Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What should I do to show off my eyes?

I am not that pretty that is why I want to show of my best feature. I know it sounds like I am to proud of myself but it's just that I want to look good and I have nothing else that looks good. The only problem is that I wear glasses so nobody can actually see my eyes. There is no point of wearing make up because nobody can see it. I have tried wear contacts but because this was a sudden change every look shocked. Also, the contacts were really uncomfortable. They made my eyes really tired and dry.

What can I do to show of my eyes?

If not, how can I make contacts comfortable?

By the way, I am only 13What should I do to show off my eyes?
well for starters ur gunna have to get used to contacts find the right brand...ask ur doctor---trust me u WILL get used to them it may take a year or so

also majority of basic lenses(not color lenses) are tinted blue so if u have blue eyes they will appear more blue---- the first thing is contacts cause its difficult to see through ur glasses the see your gorgeuos eyes

next try clothing i always were blue or green (peaceful colors) to bring out my eyes -- i have blue eyes

also give yourself sometime ur young and ur body will change just staying in shape really helps out fore me i am an eye lover, the girl has to have pretty eyes for me so trust me u must lose the glasses

one more thing DO NOT open your eyes wider to show ur eyes off that might be the stupidest thing u can do seriously keep them mysterious and shy

What should I do to show off my eyes?
It takes somewhere between 2 days and 2 weeks for eyes to adjust to contacts. After that it should be fine, but I'm afraid you'' have to endure until then.What should I do to show off my eyes?
i would try some better contacts, or use a better solution on them.

also, wear eyeliner.

answer mine?;What should I do to show off my eyes?
I wear glasses and they emphasize my eyes, I'm sure yours does the same. plus I wear dark eyeliner all around my eye area and they look fuller and more wide. It will make a difference even in glasses.

Also try some hypoallergenic contacts, I'm sure they have them. Something like hydraclear or something should be better. Try Renu Moisture Solution too. ~:)What should I do to show off my eyes?
Try the contacts again. Make sure that you always have eye drops with you. Mascara and the right eyeshadow will do the trick! You might be a little too young for eyeliner.
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