Thursday, June 2, 2011

How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?

I find this report to be shocking......

Whether climate change is real or could over 1 in 10 Americans not even be aware of the issue?How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
Greater than 13% of Americans do not know who their congressman and senator are so why would you expect them to know anything about the climate change issue.

I agree that the earth's climate has been changing from colder to warmer and warmer to colder for 1000's of years. What I do not buy into is that all of a sudden man is contributing to this in any appreciable way.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
This is someones blog not a real web site. How can people not have head about climate change when it's all over the new day in and day out.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
How could 52 % of Americans voted for George Bush. One word- inbreading.

But really, some people don't watch the news, read newspapers or magazines, or surf the net.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
There is a old saying that 7 out of every 10 people you meet are not very intelligent. I guess this proves some of this theory.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
The issue is the Earth has natural cycles and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Can you stop a hurricane? No. Can you cause global warming? No. Can you change the weather tomorrow? No. Can you cause global warming? No.

Does anyone remember the ICE AGE? Somehow that all melted without human involvement.

The Earth will always heat and cool on it's own regardless of what people do. Just relax and enjoy life. Move farther north if you're that worried about it.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
It is shocking, but you know what? A jury found OJ Simpson not guilty. How was this possible? They had to find a jury that consisted of people so uninformed that they knew virtually nothing about the case and had no opinion about it one way or the other.

This doesn't surprise me considering the number of polls in which people regularly disagree with what they didn't realize was the Bill of Rights (some of them even thinking the quotations came from the Communist Manifesto). I'll bet you far fewer than 50% of Americans know how many American soldiers have died in Iraq or how much money we have spent there. Sometimes I think we are just deliberately ignorant.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
They're in the dark because their craniums are up their rectums due to their extremist religious beliefs. They think the %26quot;second coming%26quot; will happen in their lifetimes, so they don't care about the enviroment; many (eg. Dickless Cheney) actively believe and advocate destroying the environment to hurry up the process.

%26quot;After the last tree is felled, Christ will come back.%26quot;

- James Watt, idiot and godbot who was put in charge of the environment by Ronnie Raygun

Wouldn't it be funny if there _were_ a %26quot;god%26quot; (there isn't) and it said to the godbots who ignored climate change, %26quot;You did WHAT to my planet? I let you live there, not destroy it. Yer goin' to hell, I'm taking the environmentalists!%26quot;

.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
Because every time the news comes on they switch to a hollywood talk show or a %26quot;reality TV%26quot; program.How can 13% of Americans be in the dark about climate change?
Well, it's just as bad here in current events where you'd thik people would be better informed. Two out of nine, that's over 20%, don't know that the science is %26quot;unassailable%26quot; (to quote Dr. Robert Correll) that human activity is primarily responsible.