Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why does sen. obama think America needs "Fundamental Change"?

I own a classic american muscle car.It has a few dings here and there.It could use new upholstery.In other words it has some faults but has served me well for many years.It,s a solid car and is beautiful to look at.It has even gotten me out of some tight spots over the years.Suppose a new neighbor stops by to introduce himself.After a handshake a glad ta meetcha he turns his attention to my %26quot;pride and joy%26quot;.He inspect her from one end to the other.This doesn't bother me cause I'm used to it.People are always stopping me at the grocery store or the gas station admiring her with comments like %26quot;awesome%26quot; %26quot;cool%26quot; %26quot;Beautiful Car%26quot;.They want to know her History,how many miles on her etc.Some have even offered to trade their brand new foreign model for her.No Thanks, she's not for sale.But my new neighbor has a different idea.He says I need to change her.She needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot; he says! Next he shocks me by saying I should keep the hood ornament and the rest of the car should be crushed and sold for scrap! I'll let you guess what happens next......Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Webster defines fundamental:


Pronunciation: \藢f蓹n-d蓹-藞men-t蓹l\

Function: adjective

Date: 15th century

1 a: serving as an original or generating source : primary %26lt;a discovery fundamental to modern computers%26gt; b: serving as a basis supporting existence or determining essential structure or function : basic

2 a: of or relating to essential structure, function, or facts : radical %26lt;fundamental change%26gt; ; also : of or dealing with general principles rather than practical application %26lt;fundamental science%26gt; b: adhering to fundamentalism

3: of, relating to, or produced by the lowest component of a complex vibration

4: of central importance : principal %26lt;fundamental purpose%26gt;

5: belonging to one's innate or ingrained characteristics : deep-rooted %26lt;her fundamental good humor%26gt;

People are glazing over the term FUNDAMENTAL. He means that he wants make changes in the foundational ways this country runs. He is a constitutional law prof. He will either want to subvert the constitution or change it. He is an enemy of capitalism which is the engine that has made this country great. It is like wanting to change the foundation under your home from concrete and steel and make it from sand and water. Your home will no longer stand and this country will likewise crumble.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
I have some Republican Friends who lost their jobs -then their homes about 3 1/2 years ago. Perhaps they could better answer that question for you -and tell you why they are now voting for Obama.

I am happy that you have a cool car

I had to sell my truck because I went through a rare 100 year flood and had to move myself and needed extra money quick.

Now I take the bus.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Personally I think that America is fundamentally sound as it is...However the gov' needs some major change...Notice I differentiate between the country(and people) and the gov't....I do not think those in power work for us any longer...I do not think they have the interest of Americans at heart any longer(minor exceptions are special interest groups with major money)...We no longer have statesmen we now have politicians.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Sorry, but you really made a big mistake here, 'couse the U.S. for years are going down now and if you don't change anything that will go on and on....But with a fundamental change he could bring the U.S. in a position that it was in 1945. Anyway your car never served well you just haven't realized it.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Here is a start:

As to your car, or your $60,000 diesel truck or your 12 cylinder MB - pay the fair market value for the gas you consume and I could give a flying rat how much you use. But, don't you dare ask me to subsidize you. Ain't gonna happen.

Obama 2008Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
ummmm...dude, look around for christ sake.

we are in the middle of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Home values have been plummeting for almost 2 years now.

Why do we need to make a change??? Are you freiking blind???

80%+ think this country is on the wrong track. This number has never been so high.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
What does a car have to do with rising debts, tarnished reputations and jobs being lost to over sea's markets?

America is going in the wrong direction, why do you want to continue this path under Republican leadership??Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Let me guess, another mass email...

America is not a car. Obama has no plans to sell if for scrap.

And, when over 80 percent of the country thinks we're headed in the wrong direction, I think some change is a good idea. Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because he wants to force Socialist Black Liberation Theology upon us. He wants to take over everything and then dole out jobs, housing, money everything. And all who disagree will be sent to Re Education Camps.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Funny how you use cars as a metaphor for America, when the jobs that aren't being shipped overseas are just being plain old cut.

Plus, name a decent American car under $40,000 in the last 20 years?Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because he's socialist, who doesn't realize that socialism doesn't work. It Russia %26amp; China 70 yrs to admit it %26amp; turn back to capitalism.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Here's Obama's %26quot;fundamental change%26quot;. We've been there before.

Watch the whole video, if you have the nerve. Quick before Obama censors it off the net!Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because the countries car is now made overseas.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because he's a Socialist/Communist.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
because he hates americaWhy does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because he has been brain washed by his associations. i.e. Ayers, Rezco, Davis, and other leftist nuts! Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because right now your classic american car is a Pinto.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Ok, what does America have to do with a car again?Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
So what your saying is u.s. has no problems they need to deal with.

OPEN YOUR EYES DUDE!!!Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
he wants to destroy democracy...Obama is one very, very, scary individual...Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
wtf does a car have to do with obama?Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
ohh.. pleaseWhy does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
So ur comparing the greatest country God has given man to a car?

ooooookkaaaayWhy does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Because he is playing to the people and they are buying what he is selling.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
dunce! look around. the country is in turmoil and has been for 8 years. we'll see who is talking if john mcCain and %26quot;the hockey mom%26quot; get elected,Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
There are two kinds of patriots.

The Republicans prefer blindly loyal patriots. They love American and American will never do anything wrong.

Obama is the kind of patriot who love his country so much that he wants it to be the best it can be. He is like someone who buys an old house and lovingly restores it to it's previous glory and fixes the outdated plumbing and wiring.

The eight years of Bush have destroyed the economy. They have ignored huge issues like health care. They have spit on the constitution and laugh at civil rights. They treated their beautiful old house like a party pad and gave the nicest furniture to their buddies.

Obama wants to fix what is broken and make this country the best it can be.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
so you think this country is headed in the right direction? you think americans as a whole are doing just as good now as they were 25 years ago or even 8 years ago?

Keep your head in the sand.

I personally did not know who I was going to support for president. But my choice was made when I listened and discovered that Obama was the one that I felt was most critical of our govt, but yet was electable in that he was not a far left extremist. Obama is actually a fairly conservative democrat. The right wings's lies about him that he is some sort of communist extremist socialist black liberation angry anti american unpatriotic wild man are just lies and smears.....brought about by the fact that they are just fresh out of ideas.

In my view, Obama is the best presidential candidate and most patriotic one I have seen run for that high office in my lifetime..and I have seen races going way back to Carter vs Ford.

This country has gone off track. We have lost our soul. We need fundamental change..not into something new..but change that will bring us back to who we are.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
Interesting that you used the word %26quot;Suppose%26quot; is classic libertarian arguing...presenting a premise that is only a supposition, but leading to a conclusion to be taken as a universal truth. Usually contains a scenario that has never taken place or is unlikely to take place.

Let's %26quot;suppose%26quot; that only your neighbor recognized that your car is leaking oil, and it is staining the sidewalk and road in your neighborhood. You try to cover the oil leak up, so you won't have to be responsible to your neighbors and lose money on repairs. Your neighbor now would be exactly right in calling for %26quot;fundamental change.%26quot; And guess what, that is a better analogy for what is going on economically and environmentally in the country.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
We do need fundamental change, but not the change that The Messiah thinks. The society needs some changes, in terms of the lust for material things, but the fundamental change needs to occur in the government. We cannot continue to spend ourselves into oblivion, and we sure as hell can't add tons of new spending, expecting the rich to bend over and take it dry to pay for all of this.

Until we clean out Congress and pretty much the entire political class in this country, true change will not happenWhy does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
i have no idea what obama really stands for. i think he is pandering to people with promises of tax cuts, health care promises and more or less to give everyone a happy worry free life. everyone wants tax cuts, everyone wants health care. he keeps saying tax the rich tax the rich but someone has to pay for all of these programs. taking money from the rich and giving it to poor sounds good but it doesn't work. sounds like communism to me which also didn't work.. i think obama is a great con artist and is just a great actor and b.s. artist. god forbid he gets elected.Why does sen. obama think America needs %26quot;Fundamental Change%26quot;?
America does need fundamental change. The idea that change is bad is the change that is needed. America still clings to the out of date imperial system, still clings to racism, still clings to the idea that nothing outside the borders of the US are worth knowing and still clings to the idea that a pushrod V-8 with rear wheel drive is a good idea.

Since I'm ASE-ceritified in auto parts distribution I have a lot to say in response to this %26quot;muscle car%26quot; analogy. You muscle car pollutes like crazy, handles almost to the point that it's dangerous and guzzles gas like an alcoholic with a big bottle of Jack Daniels. It also doesn't have a lot of the amenities that new cars have and its crash-protection rating is so low that it wouldn't be allowed to be produced today as a new car. There's a REASON why the old Cudas, Vettes and Stangs, Firebirds and all their twins and cousins aren't being produced anymore. A better way has been found. Double overhead cam engines, front wheel drive, emission controls, crumple zones, impact bumpers, air bags, radial tires and so many other improvements mean that your precious muscle car would get eaten alive by the cars of today. I have an idea. Why don't we go back to the old L and T-valve designs, hand-cranking engines and skinny wheels of the 1900-1920's? Simple reason, because fundamental changes were made to allow your muscle car to exist. You should be thanking fundamental change. It made the world a much better place. If you don't want fundamental change, go back to living in a cave, rubbing sticks together to make fire and do a ton of hunting and gathering. I think you might be happier that way. For THAT is the way to avoid fundamental change.