Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kids these days?

Ok well ive noticed some really agressive and disrespectful behaviour with the young kids of today. I too am a kid, im only 16 but it seems that everybody in our year group at my school are very different to those who are a year under us.

For example, im in year 12 at moment and most kids in this year group are ok..but the year 11s,10s,9s and just idiots.

They think its kool to have guns and do drugs 24/7...i even see my sister change...its really shocking...

So what do you think is the main influence for this type of behaviour and how do we stop it.Kids these days?
It's called parenting, and parents needs to step up and learn to tell their children NO.Kids these days?
Technology, and world advancement.

People get spoiled now, because everything is so easy to get. This effects the way they are brought up as they believe that can get what they want and do what they want when ever they want.

In the pass time, You would get a orange for christmas, whislt now people are reaching the 拢500 on gifts from the parents and family!

This is probally not the only cause, but a main thing of it!Kids these days?
First of all, you sound like a very mature young man and I commend you for having better values than many of your peers.

I do think children get ideas about drugs, violence, etc. from the media. They see it on TV, in movies, and on video games every day. It basically desensitizes them, so they don't even think about how horrific such things are. However, we cannot simply blame the media. Who is responsible for these children? The parents need to monitor what their children view, limit or eliminate such trash from their children's eyes and ears, and speak to them about why it's wrong when they do see it. I have to admit that a big part of the problem is that parents don't take responsibility for their children anymore. They expect the schools, coaches, and everyone but themselves to raise their children and teach them morals. Then, when their children do something wrong, they point the finger and want someone else to blame - usually the media.

So if we monitor what our children hear and see and take the time to teach them morals, today's children should improve.Kids these days?
Theres a lot more things readily available these days for kids to get into.

Drugs is a major problem yet theres not much being put into place to control it. I believe that everyone of school age should have a routine drugs test once a week and anyone found to have traces in their systems be fined and punished accordingly.

But as drugs are being sold so cheeply now-a-days kids can afford to purchase with their 拢10 a week pocket money.

I think the best way to control it is to stop the money, if a kid wants something the parents should get it for them out of their weekly allowance.Kids these days?
Your question is interesting, because there are many answers that can all be correct.

One of the biggest answers is technology. My son will be twelve this month and he's looking into the idea of mobile phones, computers, iPods, Playstations... think how fast everything comes and how easy it is to get-- no one has to wait for anything any more. It's an %26quot;instant gratification%26quot; society thanks to the way technology has advanced so quickly.

Another reason is what a friend of mine calls %26quot;snowflake school.%26quot; Snowflakes are all unique, special and wonderful. There is no such thing as a bad snowflake, or an underachieving snowflake. Every snowflake gets to graduate from kindergarten, 6th grade, and any other particular occasion. Also, every snowflake gets an award for participation, instead of winning or losing. No one is allowed to lose in snowflake school, because all snowflakes are special and wonderful at all things.

Another reason which people are not as quick to point the finger at is parenting. Parents need to BE PARENTS. Yes, it's important to have open communication and friendship with your children, but you also need to be PARENTS. You have to TEACH your children right from wrong, there have to be consequences for actions, and parents need to spend more time thinking about their children and the responsibility that comes with having them than themselves. They need to stop treating children like small adults and having them take the place of the adult in the relationship. They need to teach children morals and ethics and how to relate to others BY EXAMPLE.

Another reason things have changed is actually due to a turn away from religion. Religion, whether you believe in a particular Deity or not, offers structure, purpose, morality. Society now teaches people %26quot;believe only in yourself, look after only yourself.%26quot; Religion negates that. But in this secular world, perhaps that's why people have turned away.

Willpower, discipline, selflessness... these are things that need to be taught to children, and they need to be consistent. The answer always, ALWAYS begins with the parents.

I'm thrilled to see someone your age recognizes it and hopes to make it right.

CheersKids these days?
I think they grow up too quick and try to be adults before they truly understand the adult world. I think people like you and me need to set them good examples of how to behave and hopefully they will see people like us and realise there is another better way. There is too much bad behaviour e.g violence,swearing etc on t.v, video games and even in primary school playgrounds never mind secondary school. I also think parents, teachers and any other adults involved with children should take a lot more notice of the children and let them see some adults are good decent people and they can be to.Kids these days?
Lack of parenting.Plain and simple.Media influences and looking up to the wrong older kids.Kids these days?
This kind of behavior is from TV and Rap songs and celebrities...They make it seem SO cool and oh wow they say its awesome to be a gangster So these kids listen to the raps and look at videos and all they see is sex money drugs and women ...I guess how we can stop it is Not to let our little sisters brothers or cousins listen or see those kind of thingsKids these days?
Geez, almost everyone here has blamed TV and Video Games... both of which are, you know... fake. The problem is not with them, its with the kids who aren't intelligent enough to realize that just because you can do it in a video game does not mean its okay to do it in real life.