I have newly hatched Molly Fry and was told I need to change my water more often. How often should I be changing their tank water? And about how much? I know not to change all of it otherwise it will send them into shock, and we do have a vacuum to clean the bottom.
How often and how much should I change and what is the main benefit, other then clean water??How often should I change my tank water?
The average person replaces about 10-25% of their water each week.
The chemical breakdown of your tank goes like this: ammonia becomes nitrite, nitrite becomes nitrate. This is called the Nitrogen Cycle. Some nitrate will evaporate from the tank, but most of it needs to be taken out with the water changes. Test your water regularly for nitrate, and if the levels get past 10-15ppm, then do a partial water change...enough to bring down the level of nitrate in your tank. After some trial and error you'll figure out just how much you'll need to take out each week for your individual tank.
On average, you want the nitrate level to be below 25ppm, but when breeding fish, you want it even lower than that. Check your tap water for nitrate levels before you do your water change, as well. You want to make sure that the water you're trading out doesn't have high levels on it's own...that will pretty much defeat the purpose lolHow often should I change my tank water?
when you can barley see the animalHow often should I change my tank water?
Change about 25% of the water once weekly. The benefit to this is that it removes excess nitrogen, which can become ammonia, which can kill your fish. Replace it with new water, and don't forget a dechlorinator. : )How often should I change my tank water?
When you see the water getting dirty, dont let it get to dirty you wouldn't like to live in all that!How often should I change my tank water?
Yes, you will normally want to change the water for fry more frequently than for adults. This will help compensate for the feeding frequency, and amount of uneaten food that usually comes with raising fry.
Generally, I do 50% weekly on regular tanks. I would step that up to every other day for fry, if possible. You can cut that down if you keep them in a bare-bottomed tank, and carefully siphon the waste daily, or suck it out with a turkey baster.How often should I change my tank water?
10-25% weekly, Use your descresion here.
The main benefit is clean water. Nothing else. You are removing the build up of toxins in the enclosed tank.