Thursday, September 22, 2011

I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah's Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?

As I was getting my mail some weeks ago, I noticed that Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses was at my neighbor%26039;s door. Before putting my house on lock down, I wanted to be nosy and listen to their conversation. WHY? Because my next door neighbor is a preacher with over 500 members at his church, and I just knew he was about to blow them door knockers out the water. But what I heard and saw was jaw dropping. This is what I heard....(in so many words)


PREACHER: That%26039;s a good one. But I just want to commend you for doing what you are doing. It takes a lot of guts to do what you do.

JW: Thank you. We try to follow Jesus example and go to the people to help them appreciate what the bible really says.

PREACHER: Yes, the way people are today, they lost the love of God and most have the me first attitude.

JW: That is so true. You said you really know your bible because you been a preacher for over 20 years. Do you and your church members preach as Jesus did from door to door?

PREACHER: How Long have you been preaching son?

JW: About a year and a half.

%26quot;Oh yeah%26quot;! I said. %26quot;1 and a half years? He bout to get his %26amp;% chewed out now!%26quot; So I thought :-(

PREACHER: Well it%26039;s like this son. The lord did what he had to do back then. And yes he told us to go door to door to reach the people. But we live in a much dangerous world. We are much busier and under so much more stress and people just don%26039;t have the time or energy........

JW: That%26039;s true. The apostle Paul mentioned that critical times hard to deal with will be here.... As one of 7 million JW%26039;s throughout the earth, we try everyday to do as Jesus tell us to do. Notice I said try. It%26039;s a struggle but we try........

Preacher: Yeah Yeah that%26039;s good in all but for the rest of the world that can%26039;t, we have to come up with new and improved ways to reach the lord. Change it know, twist things up a bit to fit the life styles of today.

JW: It%26039;s interesting that you use the words change and twist. I%26039;m sure you%26039;re familiar with Deuteronomy 4:2....

Preacher: There%26039;s so many scriptures I can%26039;t recall it right now from the top of my head.

JW: Well, it mentions that you must not %26039;add%26039; or %26039;take away%26039; from the commandments God is commanding us. And 2 Peter 3:16 mentions the untaught and unsteady %26039;twist%26039; the scriptures around to fit their own thinking. So the bible tells us to beware of these things because it will cause our own destruction. You do know this right?

PREACHER: Yes but...

JW: So if you know this, why do it? Why not teach the people the truth of the bible and let them try and make up their own mind if they want to follow it or not?

This is what floored me

PREACHER: Well son it%26039;s like this... You know, I can%26039;t answer that right now. I%26039;m pressed for time so maybe we can continue this discussion another day. Bi now.

WHAAAAAAT! He just closed the door! He choked, backed down and closed the door. What the hell!? But that%26039;s not all. JW%26quot;S are knocking on my door almost everyday and a few weeks later I was helping my preacher neighbor take out his trash when the JW%26039;s was parking their car. And you know what Mr. preacher man did? He ran in the house and didn%26039;t even answer the door when they came to his house. Was he scared and really didn%26039;t have an answer? I look up to this man. He preach to me all the time. I want to question him about it but don%26039;t know how. What should I do? What do you make of all this? Help me please!!

I went to and every scripture the JW mentioned was true. I need to know the truth now.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
find the local kingdom hall, and go, everyone WILL except you with love, and once you feel that, you will realize that this is the truth. . . dont hesitate do it NOW. . .you will never regret itI am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
The truth? You%26039;re reading into a book a little further than you need to.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
The church does not always teach the truth because if they did we would know the true nature of what God is. A priest I knew when asked what was the time of Adam and Eve gave me this answer. Biblical scholars have gone back through the bible and give it a range, if I remember right 12,000 to 20,000 years ago. Then he floored me with this. They might also have been created as a myth to give us a beginning of where we came from.

Not I think what the church would want him to be teaching. But was probably more truth then not.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
keep reading the Bible to understand truth, and pray for understanding. it sounds to me that your neighbor preacher (you don%26039;t mention the type of church) evidently is unsure of what the Bible says and what he should be teaching. lots of denominations have pastors like that. it%26039;s the denomination%26039;s fault, near as i can tell. some churches are so watered down. my cousin is going to go to an ELCA lutheran seminary (if she gets accepted) and i think that%26039;s a crying shame. she won%26039;t learn a thing there except how to chant some rote phrases and how to mislead people (at least from what i%26039;ve seen of the lutheran church--ELCA that is--and i grew up in one for 14 years and have visited innumerable times since). they have a little knowledge, but the Holy Spirit never enters in. very sad.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
Leave it to a JW to know all about twisting scripture. They caught a dishonest preacher red handed. That doesn%26039;t make THEM honest.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
I was atheist ,now I am studying to be a JW.


Scripture %26amp; logic.

I have no doubt in my mind the JW%26039;s are the only true Christians .

I am good at questioning but if you want to know more email me I can put you on to people with a far greater bible knowledge than me.

Check out this site , it too can guide you better than I .

Just ask any JW they all know the bible %26amp; follow it.


So far the only real JW%26039;s that have answered are Leo %26amp; An earthly hope.

Maybe Kimberly but I can not vouch for her as I do not know her but her answer makes me feel she is that plus the links.

Wendi888 %26amp; Leslie H are real JW%26039;s listen to them also.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
Poor excuse for a preacher... with what%26039;s being taught at churches today no wonder there are many unbelievers out there.

This is why in the book of Revelation God%26039;s only pleased with 2 out of 7 churches. A good preacher and church is one that teaches chapter by chapter and verse by verse with understanding.

The part that the JW fail to notice about door-to-door preaching is that in biblical times there was no fast means of transportation, it took months to preach God%26039;s word to a small town.

We now have a fast means of transportation that many can gather in minutes to hear the word of God. there is also the internet and radio and television. these mediums were not available in Jesus%26039; times.

As for the preacher: If God%26039;s word can not stand on it%26039;s own then it should not be taught. There shouldn%26039;t be any twists to it.

My two cents...I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
This is what we do. If you are interested Go to your local Kingdom Hall. We offer free home Bible studies. Your convenience, your time, no charge. We, as Witnesses never stop studying at all our meetings.

You can go here, we use this book to start and go from there.

If you dont know where the Kingdom Hall is you can fill out this am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
The truth? You%26039;re a JW shill.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
you know pastors are people too. I%26039;m guessing that maybe he realized that they have their hearts hardened. They are going along a script and know exactly what to say for every answer he gives, whether its true or not. I sometimes want to witness to them too but through experience they do not respond and if you stump them they tell you they will find out the answer and come back. Well they come back without an answer and you can tell they are told not to talk about that. In all reality with hardened hearts the only thing to do is pray for them. Perhaps you should as the pastor next door why he runs from them. It would be the same reason I run from them. They don%26039;t want to listen to the true, although I pray they aren%26039;t so blinded. I do talk to them for I know that others must pray for them too. But you can tell within so many minutes whether or not God has soften their hearts.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
Pray to God to know whether it is true or not. Have a good day! : )I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
You think that%26039;s bad?

I listened to an old religious radio show recording from the 70%26039;s that featured an interview with a Rabbi, a Catholic Priest, and one of Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses. The Rabbi and the Priest had this really long list of credentials, and the Jehovah%26039;s Witness hardly had any, but he used his Bible throughout the entire 1+ hour radio show to answer every question from the Scriptures to back him up, and his reasoning and logic blew the Priest and the Rabbi away.

Even some of the callers (who were not Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses) called into the radio show and got mad at the Priest and the Rabbi, because their own religious leaders weren%26039;t supporting the Bible as being the true Word of God, because they kept saying stuff like: %26quot;what really matters is the moral lessons of the Bible, doesn%26039;t really matter whether or not everything the Bible says *actually* happened%26quot;

The Rabbi discredited so many of the historical accounts that I couldn%26039;t believe it. He said the Exodus from Egypt never really happened the way its written in the Bible, and that Moses never parted the Red Sea to lead the Israelites across. And he also said it wasn%26039;t that important if the Flood *actually* happened or if Sodom and Gomorrah was *actually* destroyed....We should just learn the good moral lessons of the story...that Noah and Lot and Abraham were righteous men in God%26039;s eyes.%26quot; He tore holes in every major Bible account, I was shocked.

And the Priest kept skirting around the issue too.

The only one who stood his ground, and stood up for the Bible was the Jehovah%26039;s Witness. It was funny.

(I%26039;m one of Jehovah%26039;s Witness by the way, and I was even surprised and a bit annoyed, that I knew more answers to some of the questions that the radio show callers asked than both the Rabbi and the Priest did!) What the heck??? =)I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
We come across many preachers who like that one know nothing about the scriptures. There is one reason they have a church, and that%26039;s to fleece the flock.

Please visit a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses. You will be warmly welcomed. We never pass a collection plate, and our literature and bible studies are FREE. Jesus said %26quot;You received free, you give free%26quot;.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
What you heard and saw is not uncommon. Even though that Witness had only been %26quot;preaching%26quot; for 1 and a half years, he had had a lot of Bible study before that. That%26039;s what we do, study and apply the Bible.

If Witnesses are coming to your door often, ask them questions about the Bible. Ask about beliefs you have been taught in your church. They will gladly study the Bible with you every week free of charge. Also, find a Kingdom Hall near you and meet Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses and find out for yourself what kind of people they are and how much the Bible is used at all our meetings. Again, no money is requested, even for literature, it is free.

For some instant answers, go the the website and look for a brochure called %26quot;Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses - Who Are They? What Do They Really Teach? You can read the entire brochure on line. For any other questions, go to

Thank you for asking and wanting to know what the Bible does teach.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
The truth is-that many religious leaders know scripture, but only what supports their particular belief, which in many cases is a veneer. They do not understand the %26039;deeper things%26039; of God, and when someone gives them a reasonable discussion, with scriptures to back up what they say, it throws them for a loop. Much of what is taught in many churches isn%26039;t in the bible at all. Honestly, you don%26039;t need to know everything there is to know about other religions to recognize the truth of the bible. Once you see the truth, the lies reveal themselves pretty quickly.

Jehovah%26039;s witnesses are not going from door to door, trying to scare people, or show off their skill with the bible. They are there to show what the bible says, and people can decide for themselves if what they have been taught goes along with the bible or not.

The reason we still teach from door to door, is because it%26039;s the tried and true method that WORKS. How many people sit on their couches, listening to preachers on Sunday morning, and then come away no more enlightened than when they started? Teaching the word of God is individual, and because it means our life, literally, we don%26039;t try to take the easy way out with our preaching. Yes, how much easier it would be to buy time on network TV, and call it good? But, with the pattern left for us by our lord, Jesus, we accomplish our ministry fantastically. 7 Million witnesses worldwide-and all of them ministers. We teach to make other teachers, not to make converts who just soak up the good air, and never share what they have received. Jesus took time with people, answering their particular questions and taking care of them individually. We do the same. How can someone listening to the TV get personal attention?

Why not talk to the witness yourself, ask questions that YOU want an answer to, and see if they can%26039;t give you some information that you have never gotten at church. See if they can%26039;t show you the purpose of life, and give you hope for the future. I assure you, they CAN. Maybe someday, you can help your neighbor see the wisdom in learning ALL the bible, not just selected scriptures.

I%26039;ve talked with lots of preachers from lots of different churches, in my years in the ministry, and they are just like anyone else-so don%26039;t assume that because he preaches, he knows it all. Only God does.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
I am going to tell you this.

Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses people are good people. They%26039;re teaching the truth.

Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses do what Jehovah said or his words.

I am Deaf.

I found the truth when I was 42 years old.

For years I have been looking for truth until I was 42 and now I am 45.

My family are Catholic but I don%26039;t believe what they are teaching because it didn%26039;t match in the Bible.

So, let me give you some example: Mark 10:18 Jesus answered, %26quot; Why do call me good? No person is good. Only God is good. (Now, try think of something else.... if people believe that Jesus is God then why did Jesus said those words? Mark 10:18) Get it?

God loves people so go read at John 3:16 Yes, God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son. God gave his Son so that every person that believes in him would not be lost , but have life forever. ( So, try think.... Why would people said that people will go to hell burn forever? That don%26039;t make any sense because %26039;God loved the world so much%26039; ... so how can people said that bad people will burn forever? And it don%26039;t make sense and don%26039;t match from what John 3:16 but there are more information on that.) One more thing it said %26039;life forever%26039; He (Jehovah) mean to let people live on earth forever!

Jehovah%26039;s Witnesses people are telling you all the truth and they do what the Bible said because it is came from Jehovah%26039;s words and even Jesus%26039; teaching.I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
That response from the preacher touched a chord with you. Good. We offer home bible studies, free. Ask about them when we knock. Attend the meeting at the local Kingdom Hall Sunday and the brothers will talk with and assist you in learning.

This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.

John 17:3I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
Six things there are, which the Lord hateth, and the seventh His soul detesteth: haughty eyes, A LYING TONGUE, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked plots, feet that are swift to run into mischief, A DECEITFUL Jehova WITNESS THAT UTTERETH LIES, AND HIM THAT SOWETH DISCORD AMONG BRETHREN.%26quot;

Prov 6:16-19I am shocked by my neighbors response to a Jehovah%26039;s Witness. SHOCKED! Now I really need to know the truth!?
You are using a straw man argument against the neighbor and in affirmation of your own doubts.

Just because the neighbor, or yourself, doesn%26039;t have the answer doesn%26039;t mean that the answer does not exist.

Please take into consideration when the Watchtower quotes sources, realize that there%26039;s a lot that they leave out: