Darth Obama and the dems are once again pushing for free health care for the millions of lazy Americans who refuse to pay for it by saying their plan will be deficit neutral in 5 or 10 years.
The dems and Obama:
A. Lied to get the 787 billion stimulus passed.
B. Obama's deficit this year is 4 times the record set last year.
C. Who spends money when there is a deficit?! Pay it back first!
Its shocking the %26quot;change%26quot; we got. Looks like more out of control spending and entitlements by the radical left to me.
How can the American people trust anything Obama says?
A. He lied about the auto industry needing the money.
B. He lied about how bad the economy was to ge this agenda passed.
C. He lied about the number of new jobs that would be created.
D. He lies, and lies, lies. If this were GW the dems would be stroking.
Obama math:
Spending 250 million on a solar array for the Air Force = good. Its save them one million a year. lol
Close a factory with 4000 jobs, open %26quot;green%26quot; industry factory and employ 150. He called that an %26quot;example.%26quot;
Spend 787 BILLION on a stimulus creating or saving initially 150,000 jobs. Then 600,000 temporary jobs this summer - either way that's a loss of 1 MILLION jobs.
Can we afford more of Obama's %26quot;change%26quot;? NO!
Sorry libs you can't argue with FACTS. Nothing I have mentioned is a lie, go ahead spin that.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
Sitting back and criticizing is easy. Doing something constructive is hard. What exactly would you have done given the situation Obama was left with?....and I would like a very specific, detailed plan...not a bashing of Obama's action....Tell me EXACTLY what you would have done instead.....and what the projected outcome would be.
Then after you do that, we can all criticize it and tell you have stupid you are.....Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
As far as I am concerned, I never trusted him from the get go.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
It's such a scam. It won't even really be free health care. Well, maybe it will be more free health care for illegal immigrants. I never have trusted him. I just hope to god he doesn't pass his cap and trade scam to fight %26quot;global warming%26quot;. If his health care plan and cap and trade pass, this country is truly screwed.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
At least when he made a mistake he admitted it and nobody died . G.W. and the Republican party was in charge when this economic mess happened. They had 6 years of complete control.
I wonder how much money George's and Dick's friends made in the Iraq war?
.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
Mmmm, most of what you %26quot;said%26quot; are either lies or have nothing to do with reality. Please stop watching Fox News and listening to Rush Limbaugh. It's just rotting your brain.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
Not to mention the lies about being able to read bills before they were voted on. Not to mention the campaign promise of NO LOBBYISTS being given appointments.
The dems fastracked the bills not giving the pubic or even our representatives time to read it. He is appointing lobbyists and ntax cheats left and right.
Liberals cannot be trusted in govt. They are irresponsible and the only place they know where to lead is is to destruction and misery.Obama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
Never liked new king
Never voted for new king
Never trusted new king
Never will
I'm sorry but I have to add...mstweety's comment cracked me up! So naive....so stupid. Haven't you ever made a mistake in your life? Ah yes, but I'm not running the most powerful country in the world. (Well, it use to be the most powerful.) king's mistakes are horrendousObama%26039;s numbers by his own admission were wrong - how can we trust him from now on?
Everyone makes mistakes sometime in their life. I'm sure you've made your share within your lifetime and will probably make plenty more.