I need something mobile (so no static bands that plug in to something) and it needs to be discreet so no contraptions. If you get this problem too have you managed to avoid it? I live in fear of every door handle and metal cupboard.
I also get it on supermarket trolleys and car doors.
Please don't say I need to change my shoes, it doesn't work.How can I stop static shocks in the office?
If you brush a metallic flat surface with the back of your fingers (keep them together), it broadens the discharge area, and it won't shock you hard. Then, the electricity will be discharged and you wont get shocked when you touch something.How can I stop static shocks in the office?
Maybe change your shoes and don't wear so many man made fibres...How can I stop static shocks in the office?
Chaging to a different type of sole does work.
Outisde of that, I avoid touching stuff first with my fingers. I will try to make contact first with the back of my hand or my arm. The shock isn't as bad on thos areas.How can I stop static shocks in the office?
the problem is in what you are wearing,the jeans and cotton clothes generating ststics when you sit on fabrics specially in dry weather so you must change the kind of what made of your clothes not more.How can I stop static shocks in the office?
I know this doesn't help much, but if you greatly increase the humidity around you, there will not be that much of a static charge.How can I stop static shocks in the office?
The higher the humidity, the less you feel the effects of static electricity. Walk around with a water bottle spritzing wherever you go.