hi ive just recently bought a mountain bike quite cheap in the thought that i can start upgrading parts one by one but before i buy a fox float shock
would i be able to install any shock on a bike with a current coil system?
if yes how?Can you change a coil to an air shock on an MTB?
Hey, big thing, STOP!!! I just did what you are planning, upgrading a bike part by part, DON%26quot;T!!!! It is far cheaper to buy an upgrade kit with everything, unless you have time and resources to buy used and take offs, as for the shock, It will most likely fit, but walmart and cheap bikes have been known to make shock sizes that aren't mass produced, as long as the length and the connection sizes are the same and there is room for the added diameter of the shock will fit... You will have to replace the plastic bushings with copper or aluminum...