I have a year and a half old Rodeshian Ridgeback. I am currently feeding her Iams puppy chow, I think its time to get her eating adult dog food but will the sudden change in food shock her system?How should I switch my dogs food?
Start by mixing 1/4 of the new food with the food it regularly eats. Feed that much for 3 days, then do 1/2 %26amp; 1/2 for 3 days. Then go to 75% new food and 25 % old food for 3 days, and after that you should be able to feed the new food completely.How should I switch my dogs food?
Mix your foods for about a week before letting him/her totally switch to avoid the shock!
Start out slow, maybe a handful the first couple of days, and then two handfuls the third/fourth days till you completely switch! Take your time!
Good Luck!How should I switch my dogs food?
The sudden change will give her diarrhea! Do it gradually mixing old with new over the course of two weeks.How should I switch my dogs food?
u probably should have done it 6 mos. ago but i would stay w/the same brand an mix it half and half, then after a week only supply the adult food.... there would be no shock to the system.How should I switch my dogs food?
75% Iams puppy, 25% new food for 2-3 days
50%/50% for 2-3 days.
25% Iams puppy %26amp; 75% new food for 2-3 days
By this time next week you should have her complety changed over to the new food... provided that she has fared well thru the transition.How should I switch my dogs food?
Going from puppy to adult won't make your dog sick as long as you stay with the same brand of dog food.....so you should be able to switch right away or you can introduce the food over a week......first two days 75% old food 25% new food, days three and four 50/50 and days five and six 25% old 75% new at day seven you can be 100% new...How should I switch my dogs food?
I agree with everyone else on the mixing it. I have an 11 week old puppy and changed food brands and started out putting a 3/4 old and 1/4 new then 1/2 and 1/2 then eventually the new food. He actually immediately ate the new food first then ate the old :)