Ok so when you graduate high school EVERYONE knows that saying goodbye can really blow.
I have been with the same boy since my 9th grade year. We basically have grown up together seeing how he was my boyfriend all through high school.
So we were on and off for 4 years...I'd say we dated about 2 years and 9 months ish all together and of that time, 2 years were consecutive.
The time when we weren't together, they were just breaks because when you are young you obviously need to test the waters and see what else is out there. In high school we aren't supposed to be %26quot;married%26quot; right?
So in the end we always ended up together and even in the time that we weren't officially dating, we were still the best of friends.
ANYWAYS you get the point that I am totally in love and attached with this boy.
After highschool most go to college and we move on. I am going to college but it's local and his is 2 hours away. SURE it isn't a big deal but you go from seeing someone almost every day or every other day for 4 years, this can be a bit of a shocking change.
I am not taking this well, DONT GET ME WRONG I am so happy for him because he got a 70% ride in the college just to wrestle for them. He is incredible and I can't stand girls who try to hold their boyfriends back. I am so proud of him but in the back of my mind, I realize he will be gone for the majority of 4 years, busy with wrestling, and we obviously won't see eachother nearly as much.
He is attending summer school so its not much as a stress when he starts wrestling and attending college. So he leaves in jul 12 and is gone for 3 weeks. Then he comes back for about 12 days then leaves for the school year. So altogether I have a little less than 3 weeks left with him.
Questions: What can I do to make the last few weeks with him special?
What can I say or do for him to really show that I am so committed to this?
Any high school sweetheart or long distance relationship success stories.
I would appreciate little negativity seeing how I am TRYING to be positive about this.
Thank you =)Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
I know a couple who dated across states throughout college (we're talking 2 DAYS drive). They're getting married a year from now (they just graduated from college). It's definitely possible... and really 2hrs away isn't that bad.
That being said... it takes strong commitment on both sides to make a long distance relationship work. The distance combined with the thrill of new people and new experiences is very hard on a relationship.
Honestly, I'd suggest that you two continue to see each other on weekends... but have an open relationship to see other people. You need to experience college life too. If you don't you'll feel like you really missed out later.Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
I'm sorry but long distance doesn't work out.Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
Yes it does!!! If people love each other and are committed to each other it will always work out just great.