Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Please help save Thomas the snake!?

Hello. To all ball python breeders, python owners, those with snake experience period, PLEASE HELP US.

I just adopted a 4 yr old python from a horrible owner 1 wk ago tomorrow. I'm going to explain the issue first and then give some back up detail. The snake ate about a wk 1/2 ago and ended up throwing up the rat 2 days ago. I was holding him this afternoon when all of a sudden he threw up and (brase yourself) pooped loads of diarreah down my shirt and pants!

You'll see why this is alarming me after you hear the horrible story below.

I have raised 4 other pythons for a total of 5 years. The oldest was about 61/2 foot long. I have never seen this happen. (I no longer have these pythons due to a bad breakup)

I first saw Thomas (this poor snake) a year ago when he lived with a close friend. There was also another baby python in the cage with him. Thomas was 6ft long, extremely plump and very healthy. My friend had to give Thomas and the other snake to a family member while they went through a financial hardship. This family member of theirs has had them since.

The baby ended up dying! My friend told me he had learned that the family member kept absolutely no heat on these 2 snakes while being kept inside a house without a heater as well! This means they went through the entire winter absolutely freezing! No wonder the baby died. (The baby was about 3ft long when I saw him)

Based on his shrunken size and girth, I also assume the poor thing wasn't fed the entire time. I know they fed him right before we picked him up due to him regurgetating it.

Like I said, Thomas is now 41/2 ft (I'm not sure if they can shrink but I am certain we had measured him at 6ft if my memory serves me correctly) and his girth has shrunk considerably. The bones of his body and his vertabrea can be felt easily through the meat. I assume he has an upper respritory infection due to his continuous weezing.

I have raised the heat and the humidity up inside of his cage which is a 100gallon tank placed atop of a wooden base. The heat reaches over 95 degrees as this is what the vet had instructed me to do the first time my first baby 5 years ago received an upper respritory infection. Upon applying solid heat and a raise in humidity for 3 days, the snake was cured. I have tried that with this one but he seems very uncomfortable with the change in temperature.

Is it possible that since he has lived a year without heat and humidity and has been incredibly malnourished, the temperature change has shocked him? Is that possibly why he made a mess all over me?

How do I nourish Thomas back to health?

Should I start with small mouses and work him upto jumbo rats where he should be?

If I do this, how often should I try feeding him?

Should I purchase calcium powder to try and raise his calcium level?

I'm really worried about this little guy. I will be heart broken if he dies in my care. The minute I found out of his living conditions, I made a place for his cage at the house and immediately made arrangements to pick this poor creature up. Of course I received him for free and I would greatly appreciate any help I can get on how to nurish this beautiful boy back to health.


P.S If I must take him to the vet, I will do so however I feel it is best to see if there are any breeders out there who can assist me with home remedies before I spend the $100 at my vet. I plan on taking him within 2 weeks if I cannot get a change in his reactions.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
Hi, I must first applaud your kind concern for a fellow creature.

Now that's over with, try lowering his temperature by 2 or 3 degrees, regurgitation happened for the same reason with one of my snakes. Evacuating the content of his cloaca is usually a defense mechanism so he is probably not used to being held.

Definitely try to feed smaller meals and do so once a week, and also check he doesn't have mouth rot, it is very common in snakes kept in cold, damp or dirty conditions, the most likely symptom is constant rubbing of the mouth and face as if it itches, if caught early can be treated with Iodine solution, cheap and quick otherwise it's a course of antibiotics if you feel up to it by yourself.

I hope this helps you out and good luck.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
there is definetley no cheap route with this take him to the vet you need to.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
He sounds way past the stage where a %26quot;home remedy%26quot; might help. Get him to a good herp vet ASAP to treat the respiratory infection, and I would check him for parasites while you're at it. Until the RI is under control, he may refuse eating which is obviously not going to be great on him.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
Buying or owning these animals should be outlawed. So sorry for all the birds,snakes,etc.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
URI can be treated at home in the early stages. This late in the game, i would take him to a vet, he will probably need antibiotic shots to get over it. I would lower the temps into the mid 80's and slowly increase them over a week or so. It sounds like it was too much too fast.

I would almost say down size his cage too. A 100 gallon is a night mare to keep proper heat and humidity in. A 40 or 50 is a adequate size for a full grown ball python.Please help save Thomas the snake!?
How do I nourish Thomas back to health?

I would power feed him. Feed him an adult mouse or small rat every 4 days. He will gain weight fairly quickly unless he has some sort of internal parasite. If you power feed him for a couple months and he's not gaining weight, then take him to the vet. Otherwise, I wouldn't waste my time or money going to a vet. There's nothing they can do, and most of them don't know anything about ball pythons.

Should I start with small mouses and work him upto jumbo rats where he should be?

Start with a prey item that is the same width as he is. Just some info, ball pythons almost never reach a size in which they can eat a jumbo rat. I have a pretty large female that only eats medium rats, a full grown female rat is bigger than I would be comfortable with feeding her.

Should I purchase calcium powder to try and raise his calcium level?

Do not give ball pythons calcium powder. Ball pythons get calcium from the rodents they eat, lizards do not get calcium from insects which is why they need the powder. There is never a reason to give ball pythons calcium.

My ball python care sheet:

Also, I'm doubting he was ever 6 feet long, and no they don't shrink length wise. VERY few ball pythons make it to 6 feet and if they do they are often pretty old. Ball pythons are short fat snakes. My 5 year old breeder female is only 4.5 feet, and roughly 4.5 pounds.

You might want to put him in a smaller cage. A 100 gallon tank is huge for a ball python. Adults are usually kept in 40-50 gallon tanks. He might get stressed from all the open space, so keep that in mind.

What do you think of my story I'm writing? Feedback please :D!?

Im 13 btw

Chapter 1

I haven’t thrown a tantrum since I was three, and I’m fifteen. So when I start screaming my parents were in total shock.

My mother closes her eyes and shakes her head slowly. “Haven, it’s only going to be for a year or so. It all depends on how long it takes for us to get settled. I didn’t think it was fair to just take you out of school. Besides, your grandma, Bertha, already enrolled you in school. It starts in two weeks.”

I know this is stupid and kidish, but I stomp my foot, and start to cry. (Ouch, not smart! I’m barefoot and this tile is unreasonably hard.)

“But! I can’t just leave all my friends,” Okay, so I had two, and an on and off again boyfriend named R.J, but I wasn’t exactly that upset to the thought of leaving him. But Maddy and Sarah were the best friends any girl could ask for. That sounds very cliché I know. We met in pre-school when we all three wore the EXACT same pink watermelon dress to school! No kidding.

Since then we were inseparable. Our parents soon became close friends from all the years of hanging out. We all even went on cruise together. Good times. Except when I almost went over board, but that’s a totally different story.

“They can visit! Missouri is not as far away as you think from Miami.” She said hopeful.

Wtf. Missouri? Why were they doing this to me? I love Miami and I have so many plans in my life that involve and can only be done in Miami. The beach is a plus too! Who doesn’t want to live only a few blocks away from the beach? Well, maybe some whacked out crazy people don’t, but they have some serious problems.

“WHY are you guys doing this to me,” I repeat out loud. Well, in a way I do know why but I’m not happy about that reason.

“Haven Leigh, “My father said louder than needed, and who has been holding his breath the whole time because he can’t handle all these tears and girly reactions. “Your mother and I have worked long and hard for this photography job our whole lives and you know that. We already told you something like this might happen when we applied. You’re just going to have to deal with this because what’s done is done, you will soon adjust, and you do well with that.”

What the hell is this mans problem? I haven’t exactly had to adjust to anything! I’ve always just been there, you know? I’ve been to the same school since kindergarten, never had to adjust to a new sibling (thank god, those things sound horrid), what is he talking about?!

“Trust us Bree it’s for the best” He added more quietly.

“Only for the best my butt! That’s bullshit,” I scream.

I am not being over dramatic; anyone would do this under these circumstances. Miami was my life; not Missouri. Where the heck is Missouri even at? Never been there and you never hear anything about it! Well besides David Cook being from there an all, but no offence to you Missourians, but Missouri sounds like MISARY. MISARY. MISARY. MISARY. AHHHHH.

I look at my once again shocked parents and watch their expressions change from shocked, angry to hurt.

*********THIS IS JUST A FEW PARAGRAPHS FROM THE FIRST CHAPTER******************What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
It needs some work. Try not to type in all caps, it's not very professional. And work on the dialogue; it needs to sound more real. You give away a little too much about your character. Show things, don't tell them. Instead of having your character tell her parents about the pink dress, have your character and her friend reminisce about it.

All in all, it is not bad but it is not fabulous either.

Keep writing and don't get discouraged. The more you write, the better you will get.What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
I think it sounds ametuer. Sorry.What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
Awkward!What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
well... it was... okay. Not the best but not bad either. I am a writer too and I was just wondering how old you are. Your writing is just... well not very adult like, very kiddish, and that's not a bad thing either but it's not great. Your story sounds too much like others, lots of stories start with people moving and going through that, maybe come up with something more original and try to grip people's interest in the beginning, no one is going to want to read unless it sounds interesting in the beginning.

HIH! and GOOD LUCK!What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
I like it, but it could use a little work. There are some parts that sound really nice, like the intro definitely hooks me, but then other spots don't quite seem to flow right. Good luck with this! Keep writing!What do you think of my story I%26039;m writing? Feedback please :D!?
A tad amateur.
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  • Can anyone help me with my essay?? If any one could revise it, make any suggestions, or add anything to it...?

    Symbolism Galore

    Golding uses symbolism though out the novel in order to support the theme that within all humans a battle rages between civilization and savagery. He uses symbols such as the conch shell, the rescue fire, and the boys hair in order to both symbolize savagery and civilization, and to show somewhat of a time line of which one is prevailing on the island.

    The conch shell is recurring symbol of civilization and order throughout the novel. From the beginning Piggy is the first character to recognize the power of the conch “We can use this to cll the others, have a meeting. They’ll come when they hear us-.”(Golding 16) This signifies that the children on the island will still answer to order and authority. Which shows that they are still tied to civilization at this point. Yet later when “The conch exploded into a thousand fragments and ceased to exist.”(181) With this, the long belated death of order and connections to civilization on the island has finely come. The shell is shattered by a bolder that was deliberately pushed to kill Piggy, which it sadly did. After the crushing of the conch and the death of Piggy, complete chaos ensues that had been previously unrivaled in the novel.

    The well-being of the fire is an indictor of the boys desire o return to civilization. In the beginning of the novel Ralph is determined to keep the fore going so that the could get rescued. “We want smoke. And you go wasting your time. You roll rocks.” (108) Although many of the other boys are not helping, Ralph still wants to keep the fire going. This shows his determination to return to civilization. Later though, when “The fire was out, smokeless and dead; the watchers were gone, a pile of unused fuel lay ready.”(68) The boys have now given into their savage ways, no longer wanting to leave the island. Yet the pile of unused fuel lay ready, indicating that they may still have hope of rescue and return to normal society.

    The boys of the islands’ hair acts as a timeline as one progresses through the novel. Roger was the first character to have his hair change, his “shock of black hair, down his nape and low on his forehead, seemed to suit his gloomy face and made what had seemed at first an unsociable remoteness to something forbidding.”(60) His hair changing symbolizes how he is transforming into a darker character and that he is allowing his inner savage to come out. The only character who’s hair does not change is Piggy. “The rest were shock headed, but Piggy’s hair still lay in wisps over his head a though baldness were his natural state and his imperfect covering would soon go, like the velvet on a young stags antlers.”(64) His unchanging hair symbolizes that he is staying “civilized” while the other boys are becoming savages.

    The Lord of the Flies in its entirety is filled with symbolism. Golding uses this symbolism masterfully in order to convey the theme that in all humans there is n ongoing battle that rages between civilization and savagery.Can anyone help me with my essay?? If any one could revise it, make any suggestions, or add anything to it...?
    it's well written has a few typing errors in the spelling so if you are printing it go through and finish some of the words. and you might think about using whose instead of who's. I believe is the correct modification. The only character %26quot;who’s%26quot; hairCan anyone help me with my essay?? If any one could revise it, make any suggestions, or add anything to it...?
    Nice one.

    College come home for weekend how to deal?

    it only been two weeks but i finally come home for short hoilday this upcoming weekend. I shocked at changes already made to room by other sibling. I really don't feel like coming home anymore. i don't feel like want come back for long time. I feel like no longer apart of them now. I guess i will deal. I suppose won't be attacted and just move on. how should i deal with this feelings.College come home for weekend how to deal?
    I know that its hard. But your sibling is now the only child at home. So she so called moved into your room. Isn't that what siblings do when another one moves out? It isn't that they don't want you there, its that the sibling wants to be like you and what better way then to take over your stuff. It also helps the sibling feel close to you while you are gone. No one really means anything by it. Just take it as a compliment. Good LuckCollege come home for weekend how to deal?
    Well as I'm sure you'll read in one of your classes:

    %26quot;You cant go home again%26quot;

    -Thomas Wolfe.

    It's certainly true.

    Just remember they will always be your family, but that you are the one who gets to live your life, and I think you're doing fine so far.

    How should I switch my dogs food?

    I have a year and a half old Rodeshian Ridgeback. I am currently feeding her Iams puppy chow, I think its time to get her eating adult dog food but will the sudden change in food shock her system?How should I switch my dogs food?
    Start by mixing 1/4 of the new food with the food it regularly eats. Feed that much for 3 days, then do 1/2 %26amp; 1/2 for 3 days. Then go to 75% new food and 25 % old food for 3 days, and after that you should be able to feed the new food completely.How should I switch my dogs food?
    Mix your foods for about a week before letting him/her totally switch to avoid the shock!

    Start out slow, maybe a handful the first couple of days, and then two handfuls the third/fourth days till you completely switch! Take your time!

    Good Luck!How should I switch my dogs food?
    The sudden change will give her diarrhea! Do it gradually mixing old with new over the course of two weeks.How should I switch my dogs food?
    u probably should have done it 6 mos. ago but i would stay w/the same brand an mix it half and half, then after a week only supply the adult food.... there would be no shock to the system.How should I switch my dogs food?
    75% Iams puppy, 25% new food for 2-3 days


    50%/50% for 2-3 days.


    25% Iams puppy %26amp; 75% new food for 2-3 days

    By this time next week you should have her complety changed over to the new food... provided that she has fared well thru the transition.How should I switch my dogs food?
    Going from puppy to adult won't make your dog sick as long as you stay with the same brand of dog you should be able to switch right away or you can introduce the food over a week......first two days 75% old food 25% new food, days three and four 50/50 and days five and six 25% old 75% new at day seven you can be 100% new...How should I switch my dogs food?
    I agree with everyone else on the mixing it. I have an 11 week old puppy and changed food brands and started out putting a 3/4 old and 1/4 new then 1/2 and 1/2 then eventually the new food. He actually immediately ate the new food first then ate the old :)

    Resources for learning about engine maintenance and Repair?

    I have an older Ford F150 and Chevy Blazer, I can do most maintenance, oil changes, brake pads, shocks. But I want to learn how to do the more complex things. Does anyone know of good books, websites, tips, that would be helpful to learn more about auto maintenance and repair?Resources for learning about engine maintenance and Repair?
    if you go to pep boys or alot of mechanic stores they carry %26quot;Hayes manuals%26quot; or a different brand of manual but it will tell you anything you ever need to know about the car and its only about 15 bucks. it will beat the heck out of any website because it is specific with pictures, diagrams, and step by step instruction. pepboys has the best selection i findResources for learning about engine maintenance and Repair?
    Here's a thought... Google.comResources for learning about engine maintenance and Repair?
    It really depends on what part of the systems you are interested in.A general book would tell you all about the different systems in a car(brakes,ac,suspension,engine performance,transmission etc).I'm in a class right now we use modern automotive technology .This breaks down how they work, the components they use and troubleshooting in all aspects of the car.If you want to learn strictly about engines than go to borders books or similar and see what books they have on strictly engine repair.A Chilton's/Haynes manual wouldn't teach you anything, it would just show you the steps on how to do it, for that particular car.Hope that helps.

    How to change water in an aquarium?

    I recently purchased a bubble eyed goldfish and like all fish, eventualy the water needs 2 be changed. Do I just do it petstore style and put him in a bag of water wile I clean the tank or do I do only 25% water changes? will it just shock the fish?My parents hate pets so I'm kinda slow on the pet end. THANKS for your help!How to change water in an aquarium?
    You should never completely clean the tank.

    Do 25% weekly water changes.

    Also add some live plants so they can absorb ammonia,nitrite, and nitrate.

    You don't need to take out the fish. Just keep him in their while cleaning.How to change water in an aquarium?
    You do 25% water changes every single week, and you do it with a syphon hose vacuum, so you can vacuum the gravel and drain the water at the same time. You'll need a bucket to drain old water into, and a bucket to prepare the new water. syphon vacuums are sold at any pet store. It won't harm anything to skip a week here and there, but keeping up the weekly routine will keep your fish healthy. You can do half twice per month, but every week is better for the fish.

    Keep in mind those two goldfish can grow very large and are not suitable for tiny tanks. If your tank is less then 20 gallons, I will strongly encourage you to take them back and look into fish that don't grow too big - white cloud minnows are great for small and unheated tanks and you can have a bunch of them.


    A huge water change can be done safely if you are in a bind, but water right out of the tap can easily be oxygen deprived, and the ph can change quite a bit as the water settles and aerates. Done wrong, a very large water change can kill a tank of fish. Less is safer.How to change water in an aquarium?
    Put it in a bowl/tank of water which has benn left for a few days to get to room temperaure and put them in that whilst you clean them out and put them back in their normal tank a few days later!How to change water in an aquarium?
    In the great majority of cases, you don't need to remove the fish from the tank to do a water change. Just take out 50% of the water, and fill the tank again with new water with the right amount of dechlorinator for the water you're adding.

    If you can %26quot;vacuum%26quot; the gravel with a gravel cleaner siphon, that's even better, but the most important thing by far is the water change.

    You can do all this with the fish still in the tank.

    Some people will tell you not to make too large a water change at once. This was the current thinking in the hobby about 50 years ago, but it was mistaken. A large water change will not shock the fish, as long as there is no great temperature difference between the old water and the new water. What stresses fish, often fatally, is living in dirty water. If you only change 10% or 20% of the water at once, you are leaving 90% or 80% of the pollutants in the tank. I normally make 50% water changes, but the truth is that larger changes (75 or 80 per cent) are also acceptable, as long as the new water is close to the temperature of the old water.How to change water in an aquarium?
    Just siphon off the 25% preferably using a graves cleaner and refill with aged water if possible or treat the water. if you will use tap water do a smaller amount. You did not say if it was a tank or bowl. If it is a bowl keep a bucket with enough water for a 100% change and put the fish in another container while doing it. Be careful netting it the bubble eye is prone to damage. When I had them I caught them with my hand after wetting it well.How to change water in an aquarium?
    NEVER, I repeat, NEVER change 100% of the water, because the fish will think that it is in a different place. Changing 25% of the water is good, one a week or two.

    Once a month or two, empty half of the water and clean the bowl from inside with ONLY WATER!
  • short hair cut
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  • I am changing the rear shocks on my 1985 , 300 zx. and i want to know how i go about doing that.?

    Go to This site if for z lovers and has tons of forums and tech advise. Most of all its free to join.I am changing the rear shocks on my 1985 , 300 zx. and i want to know how i go about doing that.?
    block your car up good and make sure you block the front wheels to keep it from rolling on you. then support the rear axle so it doesn't drop, then change them.I am changing the rear shocks on my 1985 , 300 zx. and i want to know how i go about doing that.?
    if it like the 87 300zx lift the rear hatch up remove the speaker cover and you have about three bolts remove them.I am changing the rear shocks on my 1985 , 300 zx. and i want to know how i go about doing that.?
    Rear axle on a car with independent suspension, interesting.

    Anyway, if you are getting a strut that already has the springs installed on them as one unit, it's a pretty easy swap.

    Jack up the rear of the car and put it on jack stands. Remove the wheel and locate the strut. There should be one or two bolts that hold it to the rear transverse link. Then inside your rear hatch, you should have two access panels that you can remove to get to the top bolts.

    When you jack up the car, the rear strut should be extended to its stroke limit, so you won't have to worry about compressing the spring.

    First loosen the bottom bolts just a little bit. Once they are broken free, loosen the top nuts holding the strut to the chassis.

    Next look for your brake line, and see if it's attached to the strut with a clip. If so, remove the clip and separate the brake line from the strut. Now, carefully remove the top nuts, taking care not to let the stut fall out of it's seat and damage the threads on the bolts.

    Once all the nuts are removed, hold the strut body and push down on the transverse link to get the strut out of it's seat. Once free, remove the bottom bolts and take the strut out from it's location.

    Reverse this for installation of new strutt/spring.

    If you need any further help, swing over to and visit our Z car forums.

    Dirtbike shocks (begginner)?

    alright,ull have to understand how im new to mx

    i have a suzuki drz125L is it possibe to change the front shocks so instead of like the big spring itll be like the ones with the fork or something that goes inside the other tubey thing when it compresses?Dirtbike shocks (begginner)?
    It may be possible but would be very costly to install inverted forks. You would still have an under powered bike with a steel frame. Trust me, you do not want to even consider this. Just wait until you can afford a motocross bike. As to Elliot's response, folks like BBR retro fit RM 85 forks to DRZ's all the time so he is not retarded for asking. It still doesn't make sense though because this is only done to create a very expensive pit bike. Lighten up Elliot, there are plenty folks here that know more than you so don't insult those that know less than you.Dirtbike shocks (begginner)?
    you mean upside down forks rite???

    it depends on your weight and how much you love that drz, if you are to race i would suggest getting a more race advanced bike such as a suzuki RM 125 or 85L

    changing forks is a **** job and is expensive Dirtbike shocks (begginner)?
    you are retarded. There is no MX shock for a DRZ125L.

    Go buy a 85 or 150r if you want an actual bike of some sort

    Basic car maintence questions?

    I'm kinda an idiot when it comes to cars. I'm just wondering, how often should you get a tune-up for your car? And how often should you change your shocks/struts on your car?

    And besides changing the oil, any other fluids that need changing on your car after a while?Basic car maintence questions?
    tune up? maybe once a year.

    other fluids, well, check if your windshield washer fluid is full. make sure you have enough transmission fluid.

    and if all your tires are the same, get a tire rotation every second oil change. but if your tires have been used for a while and you never got a rotation, you shouldn't bother getting a rotaion.

    For people who are or were home schooled, in general what is it like to be home schooled?

    there might be a chance i might be home schooled considering i've been atending to private schools my whole life (i know it sounds pathetic but what can I say), with all the economy being bad these days and family problems causing us to fly back and forth which isn't going to stop any time soon. i don't want to go to a public school cause like i said i've been attending private school my whole life. without a doubt it's going to be a shocking change for me if i do attend one. so I was just wondering how would it be like and if it would be more or less expensive than sending me to an actual private school.For people who are or were home schooled, in general what is it like to be home schooled?
    Homeschooling depends completely on what you and your family make it out to be. There are so many ways to homeschool.

    Some people sign up for a correspondence or online school and sit at a desk at home and run it like a school. That works for some people, but it can get lonely and can be hard to keep up if you aren't a self-starter.

    Some people choose their own curriculum, buy textbooks, and design their own schedule and assignments. This usually gives them more freedom since there isn't an institution telling them what to do when. They can stop lessons to go on a field trip, get together with friends, go on a vacation, etc.

    Some people devise their own curriculum, using library books or whatever they wish. This has even more freedom. Often nontextbooks are more interesting to read and are written at a higer level than textbooks, so you can learn more, but some people worry about not having a guide as to what to teach.

    Some people hire a tutor to help when necessary.

    Some take classes taught by other homeschool parents, or offered by tutoring centers, or cultural institutions, or private studios.

    Most people use a combination of different methods. They may use an online school for one subject and devise their own curriculum for the others and hire a tutor when necessary.

    Cost? Unless you're planning to hire a full-time teacher to teach you at home, the cost of homeschooling should be less than private school. But the cost will depend on the method and materials you choose. Most homeschoolers can buy materials for the year for about $400. Less if they buy used textbooks or design their own curriculum. More if they use a school to do all the recordkeeping and take lots of expensive classes.

    If you are considering homeschooling for high school, I'd strongly recommend reading the book called %26quot;And What About College? How homeschooling leads to admissions to the best colleges and universities%26quot; by Cafi Cohen.

    Good luck

    Some peopleFor people who are or were home schooled, in general what is it like to be home schooled?
    ---%26gt; Ok, so while I know 2 different families on my street growing up who home-schooled their kids (good luck with College Admissions if you do that....just having good test scores didn't do anything for them...your Mom can't write you that letter of recommendation, even if she does have a teaching degree), I would in no way recommend that except as a last resort....

    I just want to point out one thing, being in the honors track classes at a good public school can easily exceed a private school; like most of the school districts where I grew up were so wealthy that absolutely nobody went to private schools since they cost more for basically the same thing, if not less (big school = $$$, $$$ = Good, Diverse Programs) .....however if you're in an area with poor public school districts.....then maybe see about going somewhere farther away than your closest local school. You're allowed to transfer...

    Anyway, just a thought. Chances are you're going to find people you have things in common with no matter where you go. Happy Hunting.

    ----OH! One more thing, Most schools will pair you with a student who matches your prospective course interests and let you shadow them for a day, etc. If you're still deciding on whether to attend a given school....I'd periodically see those kids floating through my AP Classes...For people who are or were home schooled, in general what is it like to be home schooled?
    I was home schooled till 4th grade, i was the first of my 6 siblings to attend a public school. my parents decided that i should go to the school because i never learned any thing. i have dyslexia, and had learning problems. home schooling was not good to me but my oldest sis, she graduated at 15 when she was home schooled she went to collage when she was 17 (they wouldn't accept her till she turned 17 idky?) she is very Intelligent.

    so depending on your learning Style, home schooling might be a good choice. i like class room learning but my older sis that's a year older than me likes to do independent work but because im a protagonist i was horrible at home schooling.

    good luck, hope it works out ok.

    Give custody to father to pursue school?

    Hello, I'm a 26 year old with a 3 year old son. My ex and I separated about a year ago and I took full custody of our son and have had him continually since, minus about 3-4 days/nights a month. I am a full time student and my mom watches my son when I am at school.

    Because of the separation, the degree program that I was seeking became an almost a non-viable option for me without the support from my family I need (they don't think that the degree I want is worth them supporting me for the extra length of time to obtain it) and because I have my son full time. Currently, I am enrolled to start a medical technology program that would fast track me a career with decent pay, but it isn't what I want to do.

    Recently, my ex suggested to me that he would be willing to take full custody of our son so I could go away to school to get the degree I want (biochemical engineering). My family seems to think it's a pretty horrible idea; I'm pretty sure they feel like I am abandoning my child. I love my son but I have been putting off the dream of pursuing this education for many years.

    I was originally going to go off to university until I found out that I was pregnant, and then I was going to go again after my son was about 6 months old but my ex's work schedule made that impossible. So now that we aren't together, I have had to find my own way, and I am very grateful for all the help and opportunities I do have, but I still have this nagging desire to pursue this dream. But at what cost? Many people that I have talked to seem to think that this is not in the best interest of my child, and that he will resent me for leaving him. If I were to give custody over I would still be sure to see him often and would like to have him over school breaks. Also, I would phase the custody over the next year from me being the primary to my ex being the primary so it isn't a shocking change for my son, and so I can see how he responds to the switch and what the potential problems are. One obvious problem so far is that my family is scared that giving up custody means that they won't see my son very much and that I will lose touch and influence with him. Also, people have expressed worry as to how my ex would parent, coming from a broken home himself. I personally do not believe him to be a bad father. If I did I wouldn't even consider it. Sure, maybe he's not the perfect father; he has his flaws but so do I, and so do we all.

    It is possible that my ex and I might be able to work-out a joint custody arrangement where we each have our son for half of the year, meaning that I would have to take him to school with me for 1 semester. I am not totally opposed to this but I am not sure if that would be even more troubling to such a young child. It is also a possibility that I could take him with me full-time, but I'm not sure that that arrangement would be fair to either one of us because he would be in daycare all day (and not with his grandma) and then my attention would be very split because of my responsibilities to him and to school (just as it is now but maybe even more so because the course work is more demanding.)

    Also, there is this very selfish desire for me to be out on my own- I feel like I have been tied down to so many wrong things for such a long time that I haven't been able to find myself and that I need some self-discovery time. I'm not saying that my son is a wrong thing, but I feel like maybe because of the short-comings that I have within myself that I may not be the best choice to parent my son at this point in my life. I'm not saying that I will feel like this always but if I don't do the thing that is troubling my heart will I always feel slighted and then grow to be resentfull? Or if I do it, will I be angry with myself in the future for giving over custody because I was too unsure about myself that I became weak? So many different and tough choices, please give me your input!Give custody to father to pursue school?
    You need to take a long, hard look at your situation. It's definitely apperent that you love your son, considering you have out so much aside already for him. You need to decide if it is more importent for you to get this degree, and be done with it, or wait until he is older school age and go then. No one on this website can tell you what's best for you and your son. You need to decide what is in the best interest of you, your son, and your career. Give custody to father to pursue school?
    Follow your dreams! You HAVE to live by example. I did exactly what you are contemplating... now I am in law school! Don't sell yourself short just because you are a women! Be someone your son can admire, and always take care of yourself! Stay at home moms, SHUT UP! Live your dreams! U only get 1

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    Give custody to father to pursue school?
    wait to go back to school. you'll never see him if he has full custody.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    You can arrange any custody you want. Just go through lawyers and finalize it.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    Once you decided to have a child any CAREER moves you want to make be it school or job is now on hold. You are now obligated to be there for your child until he is 18. You do how ever need to make sure you can house and feed and be there for your child. It is good that your family is helping you but if they say its a bad idea then maybe you should listen. Kids stay young only ONCE. Miss out and you cant ever get that time back. Your child is young and needs you. So you wont be rich or have super nice things. So what. But at least your child will have his mommy. Nothing replaces good raising of children like a mommy. Or in some cases daddy. Listen to your family. Work on your career LATER. Like when your child is 18. This whole feminist attitude that has been throwen down our throats since the 60's has totaly RUINED the structer of family values. Kids now raise them selves. No wonder so many have emotional problems.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    If I were you (of course, I'm not), I would put off going back to school until he was much older. I am currently going to school online to be a teacher (that has been my dream since I was a little girl). If my schooling interferes with children's lives, I will put my schooling off for a while. And when I have my degree and I see that my children happen to need me at home more (they will both be in school then, though), I will put off my career for how ever long I need to.

    I'm not at all saying you are a bad mother or that I am a perfect one (I'm not). Give custody to father to pursue school?
    If it were me, I would wait until he was school age. You can always go and get your degree/find yourself/etc but your little boy will only be young once. However, I'm not you and only you can make that decision for yourself.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    First off, there is not great demand for biochemical engineers and most must relocate to an area in which they can gain employment upon graduation. Would you be guaranteed a job near your son once you graduate? Probably not.

    This makes the decision pretty easy in my eyes. It is not like you are working towards a degree in teaching, nursing, physical therapy, etc.......or a multitude of other occupations in which finding a job near your son would be almost a given. With a degree in biochemical engineering that is not even a remote possibility.

    Your last paragraph says it all. You do not want to be tied down.......period. You are not ready to care for and raise your child %26quot;full-time%26quot;. Who is anyone to judge you if that is how you feel. However, you were 23 when you had your son, plenty old enough to make responsible decisions. You obviously did not make the best decision. Has three years given you the chance to grow enough emotionally and mentally to be able to make such a decision now?

    Think long and hard. This is life changing for all involved. Whatever you decide, be sure that you can move forward with no regrets.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    If you give your son to your ex and go to school, chances are, you are not going to get him back. So you need to think long and hard about that. If you feel like your son will be better off with his dad, then by all means, do the noble thing and give him over. You should check with the university you want to go to first though. A lot of university's offer day care for students children.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    it is unrealistic for a single parent to %26quot;put %26quot;career options and school (if available) on hold.

    if your child has a good relationship with his father and and you believe he is responsible, then i would go for it. he is just as much his parent as you are. the only thing that makes a difference is society today seems to think that children %26quot;should%26quot; be with the mother.

    i personally would stick it out and keep my son, HOWEVER, i didn't feel the need for self discovery or a demanding career. i would also go absolutely crazy without my children. then again, i want to be a stay at home mom and that is what me and my husband are working on now.

    you cannot depend on your parents or anyone else forever. when you get your degree you will make alot of money to provide a great education, nice home, and enough money to enrich all your sons possibilites that you might not be able to do, if you don't pursue thisi would go to court for joint custody, not full. that way weekends, breaks and, holidays are a set thing. that is safe for any split up , only becuase parents (both mom %26amp; dad) can get mad and stupid and use things against you. then when you have established joint custody, work a schedule out with the father to determine the best way that meets the needs of your son. make sure you are there to pick him up everytime, no matter what. no relationship, class, work schedule or anything should ever interfere. you will be seeing him less now, and your friends, work etc. needs to understand no matter what , he comes first. that will be what would cause him to resent you, if you become completely involved with your own %26quot;self-discovery%26quot; and tend to forget about his need to see you. as far as your parents go-i think from what you said, that you need to get out of there as soon as possible. they seem to be swaying you with your decisions about your son, and that is never a good thing, unless you ask specifically for their help. if they offered to help, then changed their mind becuase they think the major you chose is not what they %26quot;think%26quot; is right for you, then that is being selfish.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    I think you should give custody to the father while you go to school. Because this is your dream and you need to pursue it. Also, if you do, you will be able to support your child on your own financially when he is a little bit older. I do not think he will resent you because of his young age. In addition to that if you give custody to his father, your son can meet his other family and adjust with them too. I think that it would be unfair for your son not to be able to live with his father, and be with the other half that he came from. You had him at first an now it is your ex's turn.Give custody to father to pursue school?
    I know how you feel - EXACTLY. I had 1yr of college under my belt when I learned I was pregnant. I stopped school and began to work to support my son. This went on for 8yrs, during which, I had another child....2 boys now. Although I LOVE my boys I too felt like I missed out on my %26quot;young%26quot; years. I wanted to graduate and have fun like everyone else I knew. After all I was only 19 when I had my first. I didn't have help either - from the father or just about anyone else. I worked full time, had them in day care, and lived in an apartment - no public assistance either.

    In the past yr or 2 ( I'm now 30 ) now that I am married and stay at home I see what I missed out on my boys life and how extremely selfish my thinking was I guess due in part to lack of maturirty. I was at work and the were in daycare while they were growing up. I regret being away from them all day - just to pick them at 6 o'clock. I understand what you are feeling, but I think you will eventually regret your decision if you give up custody. Regret is a horrible thing to live with. Your babies are only little once and they grow up before you know it.

    Right now I go to school while they are in school - maybe something you can do too?? Just an idea.

    I wish you the best of luck.
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  • I have an xt 600 tenere. But its too tall for me. how do i lower it?

    I want to change the shock, but don't know which one to use, would like to lose 3 inchesI have an xt 600 tenere. But its too tall for me. how do i lower it?
    If you want to loose 3 inches in seat height you will need to combine cutting down the seat with a suspension mod. Many sites have lower seats for the tenere but suspension mods less so.

    Since the bike is kinda old upgrades and mods are not made anymore.

    You will have find what is available.I have an xt 600 tenere. But its too tall for me. how do i lower it?
    try calling your local yamaha dealer and talk to the service manager he can help you with your problem.

    Goodbyes are too hard. Long distance relationship. Advice?

    Ok so when you graduate high school EVERYONE knows that saying goodbye can really blow.

    I have been with the same boy since my 9th grade year. We basically have grown up together seeing how he was my boyfriend all through high school.

    So we were on and off for 4 years...I'd say we dated about 2 years and 9 months ish all together and of that time, 2 years were consecutive.

    The time when we weren't together, they were just breaks because when you are young you obviously need to test the waters and see what else is out there. In high school we aren't supposed to be %26quot;married%26quot; right?

    So in the end we always ended up together and even in the time that we weren't officially dating, we were still the best of friends.

    ANYWAYS you get the point that I am totally in love and attached with this boy.

    After highschool most go to college and we move on. I am going to college but it's local and his is 2 hours away. SURE it isn't a big deal but you go from seeing someone almost every day or every other day for 4 years, this can be a bit of a shocking change.

    I am not taking this well, DONT GET ME WRONG I am so happy for him because he got a 70% ride in the college just to wrestle for them. He is incredible and I can't stand girls who try to hold their boyfriends back. I am so proud of him but in the back of my mind, I realize he will be gone for the majority of 4 years, busy with wrestling, and we obviously won't see eachother nearly as much.

    He is attending summer school so its not much as a stress when he starts wrestling and attending college. So he leaves in jul 12 and is gone for 3 weeks. Then he comes back for about 12 days then leaves for the school year. So altogether I have a little less than 3 weeks left with him.

    Questions: What can I do to make the last few weeks with him special?

    What can I say or do for him to really show that I am so committed to this?

    Any high school sweetheart or long distance relationship success stories.

    I would appreciate little negativity seeing how I am TRYING to be positive about this.

    Thank you =)Goodbyes are too hard. Long distance relationship. Advice?
    Thats really sweet of you. Even me nd my boyfrnd re in long distance relation. We both live in different states nd meet in 4-5 months. Try nd spend quality time togethet. Prepare nice meal 4 him, give him some gifts, hand made card. Tell him how ur life has changed after meeting u. Write all dese things in letter. Make luv 2 each other. All d best

    Brother acting strange...?

    My little bro had it real rough after entering puberty. He is 15yrs old. Very few friends. In my old home he used to hate the school and my parents noticed he was continually depressed at the end his 9th grade year. We moved to a new home, and a new school for him. At the beginning of his first year in this school he was depressed just like the old school, but recently, he has been coping pretty well. He managed to stay off the depressing thoughts in hanging out with me and playing his PS3. I take him with me when I go play soccer or for any kind of entertainment. All of a sudden, a shocking change in his behavior emerged. I noticed he's become extremely sensitive to sarcastic statements and unintended remarks. I took him to play soccer with me. My friends and I always joke when playing soccer, so he was playing fancy and we started mocking him. Later on in the game he hurt his leg and left, then when we were going home he freaked out at my friend. I took him home and spoke to him in the car. Next day he was good until we were driving home from a movie theater and he was speaking to my friend (whom I was taking home) and while they're talking I interrupted a few times to get the direction of his house, so my brother got so offended and was depressed because of that. When we got home he went outside and started crying, and when everyone's asleep he cries really hard in his room. Since then, he's been acting very very strange. He's been extremely paranoid and aggressive with high temper, thinking strangers want to kill him. He thinks everyone hates him and calls me a hypocrite. He also says all this happened because of me. He's been hitting my other little bro and making him cry. When outside, he stops the neighbors' kids from going in and out of the building we live in and gives them strange looks. My neighbor was going down the stairs and he said %26quot;let me see your fireworks%26quot; the kid gave it to him and he bit it and threw it down the stairs. When we were standing outside speaking to our neighbor's son, he called our neighbor's mom a %26quot;b*tch%26quot;. Another thing is he stares at me very strangely. My family and I were on the road and I told my dad something about the map, out of no where he laughs at me and tells me to go look in the mirror. He's never been this way, ever. My description might not reflect exactly how he is acting, because it's hard to type and it's intensity is worse than letters can explain. My mom didn't eat anything from last night and all of today and my father has been the same, they're also depressed and scared to death.

    This behavior is so unusual and I've never seen him behave like this in my life. Can it be a case mental illness or a stage of extreme depression? Will he come back to normal? Should we speak to a psychologist? is there a specific name for this behavior?Brother acting strange...?
    sounds like he hates the world because its been pretty shitty to him or let him down in some way. he just needs to be understood. you and your parents shouldn't try to CHANGE him or send him to a psychologist...just understand him and what he is feeling. hopefully after he voices himself and that you all can further compromise with eachother, then it will be better. it also sounds like he could have tried some drugs and is having mood swings/depression (just a possibility) good luck with your brotherBrother acting strange...?
    heroine.Brother acting strange...?
    He definitely needs psychiatric care. It is interfering with his life and with others' lives. He won't just get better.Brother acting strange...?
    It seems to me that your brother is really depressed about something that is beyond the help of you and your family. I think it's a good idea for him to see a counselor. He is acting up and being mean to people because he is craving the attention. He may be bipolar. I strongly recommend him seeing a counselor then the counselor can find out weather he needs to be on meds then he will be refereed to a psychologist. Good luck to you and your family.Brother acting strange...?
    parents need to act as soon as possible, and get him to a doctor. I have experienced this behavior with a family member, it is very scary and sooo confusing....all the bestBrother acting strange...?
    either he's on drugs

    or a type of syndrome?

    maybe bi-polar? but that can be easily miss diagnosed... look it up and see if the symptoms fit...?Brother acting strange...?
    sounds like a form of depression (obviously) and maybe a form of social anxiety disorder.

    I suffer from both and while our (my and your brother's) actions dont match up, the symptoms do: general paranoia, easy agitation, emotionally unstable etc.

    from my side, i always wanted people to be friendly to me, but at a comfortable distance, which meant that when i got close to friends, i would freak out, think theyre trying to pull something on me like set me up for something humiliating and then ignore them until things got comfortably cold between us.

    this could be his way of achieving distance.

    In any case, i would try to find a good psychologist and soon

    Is this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?

    I need to say, though, that she is not a normal 4 year old. Her parents were 14 when she was born and her mother kept her father out of her life until about 6 months ago when the court enforced his rights (after he turned 18 and filed for them at the end of '08) She has always been raised by an immature mother who was too busy partying to do much for the child. (I know this sounds judgemental, but the mother and I tried to be friends for a while and I couldn't stand what a partyer she was. Whenever we hung out she pawned her kid off on me so she could go drink) The child is allowed to watch Family Guy and MTV. She is never fed anything healthy and is overweight. She doesn't have rules with her mother and gets everything she wants.

    Here in my home with my husband we have rules. This morning she had a huge meltdown over having oatmeal for breakfast. We only gave her a small bit and it had lots of brown sugar so that it wasn't such a shock changing from her Trix. We've tried to do things slowly and one at a time so that she isn't overwhelmed. This is the first time that we've made her eat anything other than pancakes or Trix for breakfast. (We focused on other meals)

    After she FINALLY finished her oatmeal (3 hours later!!) we congratulated her on being such a good girl as she swallowed the last bite. Daddy immediately hugged her and told her how proud he was. We let her have her chocolate yogurt (she thinks its pudding) and let her put in her favorite movie. We sat down to watch it with her and our 7 month old daughter crawled over to where her sister was sitting on the floor. The baby adores her sister and you know how babies slap things when they get excited. The baby started slapping the 4 year old's doll house and then tried to crawl into the 4 year old's lap. Out of NOWHERE the 4 year old pushed the baby off her lap and yelled %26quot;thats it! I'm going to my room!%26quot; We were stunned. I had been in the bedroom when I heard this and I immediately went over to her room and told her she better get out there and apologize to her father for speaking to him that way. She went to the living room, but refused to apologize so Dad sent her to her room and said she was not to come out until she could behave better. She has been sleeping in there for about the last 2 hours...

    What in the world?? Do your kids do things like that??? Normally she loves her little sister. She follows me around the house helping me change her diaper and get her dressed. She likes to feed her and cuddle her all the time. This is totally out of the ordinary and we are so lost...

    Advice? We're really young parents and we need it!Is this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?
    No, my child didn't do that.

    But my child was not born to teenage parents, shuttled from one house to another, used as a weapon, expected to turn on a dime when the rules changed from one house to another, etc. In other words, she had stability.

    If you really believe this child's mother is so awful, go to court and sue for full custody.

    All the best.Is this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?
    Maybe she was just over tiredIs this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?
    I think you are being a little hard on her. Being separated from her Mom for any period of time must be difficult for her. I agree that pushing the baby (I don't know how hard she did it) was unkind, but just saying %26quot;I'm going to my room!%26quot; isn't the worst thing I've ever heard. I think you're trying too hard to fit her into the mold of what you think a four-year-old should be. A child who doesn't want to eat her oatmeal can be kept at the table for a certain period of time, but it shouldn't be three hours. If she refuses to eat after 20, 30, or 60 minutes (no longer), she should be told she'll have to wait until lunch, not made to sit for two more hours. If she has to sit for 20 minutes staring at a healthy breakfast, and then wait till lunch if she doesn't eat, she will soon start eating what you serve most of the time. You could also try other healthful foods such as whole-grain pancakes, whole grain cold cereal, and fruit. (I don't mean make a new breakfast; I mean make something different next time.)

    I appreciate that you're young, and this is difficult for you. In addition to the above, I would do my best to use humor and positivity to connect with the child. She needs positive influences.Is this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?
    Maybe she wasn't in the mood to entertain her little sister, that doesn't sound strange to me at all. She was probably tired and needed a nap.Is this normal for a 4 year old or is there something deeper?
    Why did you erased my comment??????????You posted a question and I answered!!!!

    Moving back in with the parents...?

    After four and a half years of college and living it up as a single young man in my early 20's, I'm moving back in with my parents as of June 1st. I'm really down about it and was wondering if anyone has anywords of advice on how to adjust to this shocking change of living. And for anyone who has made the move back before, how much does it suck (on a scale of 1 to 10)?Moving back in with the parents...?
    Just remember, their house, their rules.

    That has to be a 1.

    For someone in their early 20's, you're an adult. Not an over grown kid. Time to live on your own.Moving back in with the parents...?
    Well u don't have to pay

    u have ur own washer and mom can do ur clothes again

    u can just ask for some money

    u have a roof over ur head!!!

    and ur with people who love u!!! hahaha be grateful irate it a 10 :)Moving back in with the parents...?
    It should suck for a guy who needs to take on the next the step in their lives to be more independent. It should really suck.Moving back in with the parents...?
    10... but take advantage of it for a while.. kick back your feet and relax.. my bro moved back in with is after college.... so its not unusual.. just till you get on your feet againMoving back in with the parents...?
    dont move back. you're not welcome sorry.

    they wont say that to you because you're their son but they are thinking it.Moving back in with the parents...?
    it really sucks to move back in but at least your parents will let you back in
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  • Can you put a V8 in a blazer?

    Can you put a V8 in a 2000-2003 blazer, if so tell me what i would half to do to make it safe, like change axles, shocks, transmission etc. or if you can't can i put it into a s10 blazer or something like that. and how hard would it be.

    PS: I don't want the full size blazerCan you put a V8 in a blazer?
    Yes you can put a V8 in an S10. Is it a 2 wheel or 4 wheel drive? Best case scenario is that you have a 2 wheel drive with a 4.3 engine and a 700r4 tranny. If this is the case all you need is the engine mounts and the exhaust manifold or headers. If it's a 4 wheel drive it will have to have a 4%26quot; body lift kit so the engine will clear the front drivetrain.Can you put a V8 in a blazer?
    yes but its tight and will have to change some thingsCan you put a V8 in a blazer?
    You can get a conversion kit to put a small block in one. You can probably find some completed ones on e-bay. They have a lot of V-8 S-10s.

    Just do a search on V-8 S-10 blazer and you will gets lots to look at and info on how to do it yourself.

    Here is one:

    New shocks on Toyota Echo. How much will it cost?

    Lets say I want to change all 4 shocks... how much can I expect my bill to be?New shocks on Toyota Echo. How much will it cost?
    Around 120$ for front ones and 80$ for rear ones.

    Plus three hours labour.

    My G-Shock's digital time is correct but not the analog. How do I reset the analog to match the digital?

    I do not know which model I own... but here's the physical features of my wristwatch....

    * glow in the dark analog hands

    * white in color

    * shock-resistant

    SO... how do you change it?My G-Shock%26039;s digital time is correct but not the analog. How do I reset the analog to match the digital?
    Should be a button that specifically says %26quot;reset analogue to digital%26quot;. Mine has one, but it's the yellow underwater W Shock watch. Same company, just sold in different places.

    A shock in USA; is it a chance for government to do shocking changes?

    in 2007 the book %26quot;The Shock Doctrine%26quot; was published by Naomi Klein; it's about electric shocks tested on innocent patients of McGill University檚 Allan Memorial Institute; they were subject of a horrible test that CIA led with association of Canada government in 1950 and implemented by a team of psychologists at McGill. The team with administration of Dr. Ewen Cameron tried to prove that with several electric shocks, mind could be erased and the personality could be broken up, to make it ready for re-building the beliefs and characteristics of mankind. this was done on patients; they were kept alone for long periods, several consecutive electric shocks, and drugs were a mixture of LSD, PCP etc. Gail Kastner as a victim had experienced 63 shocks, and as a result everything about the first 20 years of her life was erased from her mind. okay so far this is something terrible and hard to believe maybe. according the book this was implemented in Latin America in 70s and 80s. the question is not if this is true or another conspiracy theory or sci-fi blah blah.

    the key concept here later was: if you give shocks to human brain, it will be ready to be re-built, and things can be easily written on it like a blank page. this was used later in another field: economy and politics. Milton Friedman, the leader of the new project about the revised concept says: the only way to implement a sudden shocking change is to have a crisis; no matter the crisis is real or fake. the crisis works like the electric shock, and makes the minds ready to accept things that are not acceptable normally.

    Milton Friedman was the counselor of one of famous dictators, Augusto Pinochet. after the bloody coup in Chile, when Salvador Allende (and thousands of writes and artists later) was assassinated, this was Friedman's suggestion to Pinochet: it's just the time to make the changes. they took out almost everything from government control and changed the government to spokesman of big corporations and a force to shut up any disagreeing opinion.

    now after the long story, what do you think about the current economic crisis and the chance it has handed the government? how will they use this shock and what stunning change will be implemented through this?A shock in USA; is it a chance for government to do shocking changes?
    My esteemed scholar. I do not think the shock (trauma) to the American people through the election of Obama was anywhere near enough to the shock over and over and over of the Twin Towers through the concentration of Bush and his administration and the media. I would hate people to think I don't value the lives and other victims of 9/11 because I do. However, unlike Bush I would never reduce the value of all these people to use their deaths and grief to allow the killing of millions of people in the Middle East. I can only hope that the people of America would unravel the flags they have blindfolding them and try to have feelings for the innocents we are murdering every day because Bush has guided your shock to help him, a true sociopath, become a war president - something he was quite proud of in his delusional mind.

    Not unlike the sociopaths of the CIA and the people they got to use unknowing people in Canada and the US and later in other countries to test their (not theories) improbable ideas about mostly LSD.A shock in USA; is it a chance for government to do shocking changes?
    interesting idk but it works for me. I'm shocked!A shock in USA; is it a chance for government to do shocking changes?
    With a lot of the $600,000,000 that Obama's campaign received from Big Corrupt Corporations (like Freddie %26amp; Fanny) - your ideas have credibility.

    The only thing these short sighted Dictator wanna bees have overlooked:

    With massive government taxes they will kill the goose that laid the golden egg. = Destroyed the highly productive Free Enterprise System.

    Pet safe stubborn dog in ground radio fence?

    I bought an extra collar for it and I don't know how to change the shock level. It's not a Stubborn dog collar it's a Ultralight collar. I bought the extra one at Petsmart and they said it would work with itPet safe stubborn dog in ground radio fence?

    Shock Collars

    Dogs wearing shock collars can suffer from physical pain and injury (ranging from burns to cardiac fibrillation) and psychological stress, including severe anxiety and displaced aggression. Individual animals vary in their temperaments and pain thresholds; a shock that seems mild to one dog may be severe to another. The anxiety and confusion caused by repeated shocks can lead to changes in the heart and respiration rate or gastrointestinal disorders. Electronic collars can also malfunction, either administering nonstop shocks or delivering no shocks at all

    Here is a summary of the benefits you receive

    How to train your dog without choke, pinch or shock collars.

    Train your dog without using force and painful methods

    How to teach your dog that you are the pack leader in 4 simple steps

    Never worry about your dog not responding to your commands

    A collar that will solve your dog’s pulling problems forever

    Never again get dragged down the street again

    Two forms of exercise that can eliminate up to 63% of problem behavior

    Never again worry about coming home to find your valuables destroyed

    How to teach your dog “Stay” in ten minutes or less

    The most important secret to teaching your dog the command “Come”

    Teach your dog to come using the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise

    How to get your dog to “Sit, Down, Stand,” on command with little effort

    The little known secret to solving all obedience problems

    Go any place without getting embarrassed by your dog’s behavior

    The difference between bribes and rewards and how to use them to your advantage

    How to apply the scientific secret of the Premack Principle

    Now, you’re probably wondering how and why we can do all those things…
  • myspace graphics
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  • Need an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?

    I was just wondering how much it would cost to change one strut/shock on a 99 nissan maxima..Need an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?
    just cuz i am a nice guy i called a shop for you (im in the military 24/7 shop on base) and here in florida it will run 80 dollars labor plus partsNeed an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?
    If the manifold isnt damaged and the differential is in place 189.00 should be your top price if you go to pick your parts.Need an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?
    $50 plus the parts.Need an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?
    Mark, I think she was talking about the strut reduction manifold. You know, the one that delivers pressure to the Kanuder valve.Need an estimate on how much it would cost to change one strut/shock?
    J.B. Rule of thumb here is labor will match the price of the part. Look at the people doing the work...! Monroe is your best bet a Sensa-Trac will match with the other three. $104.00

    Take a look at the strut bearing and plate $54.00 Most complaints are attributed to this part. {erratic steering control}

    A rear strut would run around $54.00 Datsun is a well made car. And by the way stop before you hit the curb. Plays havoc on the tires. Redd

    How long a Toyota celica would last?

    I have a 1998 toyota celica that has about 140K on it so far. Last month I ran into a problem that turns out to be the pressure plate need to be replaced.

    The repair cost is around 1K. Plus I have to change the shocks, brakes, rotors,very soon.

    Is it worth it? should I keep maintaining this car or should start looking for something else?How long a Toyota celica would last?
    My father still owns a 1980 Toyota Celica GT that had rolled the odometer five times. It was a five digit odometer, so that equates to roughly 500,000 miles.

    I owned a 1991 Toyota Celica GT with 270,000 miles, it had the same engine your '98 has. I sold it in running condition. It doesnt matter if its a Celica, a Corolla, A Supra, or an MR2. Toyotas last, plain and simple. And they are worth every penny you put into them.How long a Toyota celica would last?
    You should maintain the car. You'll have some headaches from time to time, just like your pressure plate, but with proper maintenance, your Celica will last as long as you want it to. Just look around on eBay. You'll find Celicas sometimes that have over 300,000 miles and are still running great.

    The biggest reason that you should maintain the car though is just because of cost. Sure, things are going to break as your car gets older, but your car has a lot of life in it, and no matter what, driving a car that is paid for is a better financial choice just because you are only paying maintenance costs, not maintenance and a car payment.How long a Toyota celica would last?
    I think it's still worth it, there are Celica's on ebay that have 60-100K more miles on them than yours selling as working or some freak %26quot;suddenly stopped working%26quot; problem.

    Either way it's the best looking Celica ever made and I'd hate to see someone get rid of it over a pressure plate and brakes.How long a Toyota celica would last?
    if you dont drive it like a dumbass and have the oil and filters changed regularly the engine will last forever but you'll always have maintenance on anything alot of miles for any toyoto is around 240 - 280,000 best of luck

    How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?

    I am having a hard time with this. I have a heavy duty 2.5 ton floor jack and jack stands. If I lift by the axle it does not allow me to remove the tire because it does not have clearance from the well. If I lift from the frame it lifts the body away from the tire but not the tire off the ground. The front was easy. By the way I'm changing the shocks.How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    Jack it in the center of the axle all the way up. Sit your stands under the frame in front of the axle. Let your floor jack down enough to get the wheels with the car on the stands. Take the bottem shock nuts off and remove the bottom of the shock. Remove the jack and take out the top shock bolts. 3/4%26quot; is the socket and wrench sizes you need. Install and tighten both shocks at the top. With your jack raise the axle until you can slip the bottoms of the shocks on. Now put the wheels back and remove the stands. WD40 will help top and bottom.How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    Put a solid block of wood or something between the Jack and the Chassis then lift. Or raise it as high as you can using the chassis (body) and dig a hole under the wheel. Or raise the axle as high as you can and but chocks under it, then jack up the chassis until the tyre is clear.How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    Put a block of wood on the jack and then jack up by the frame rails. Then get those jack stands under it, as this will not be as stable as just the jack itself.How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    lift up on your axle and put a jackstand under so your tire is off the ground and then use the jack to lift up the frame and get the clearance. And I hope you never get a flat!How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    A set of 2%26quot; over highjacker air shocks was all I needed.How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    Depending on the size of the floor jack, I would block the front wheels and put the jack pad under the center section of the rear end (differential housing).

    I would then jack the car up and place the jack stands under the subframe rails ahead of the rear wheels.

    You could also use a block of wood on the jack pad to increase its effective height.

    Beyond that... find a bigger jack and stands! ;)How do you jack up the tail end of a 1972 Dodge Dart?
    lift 1 side at a time. if you can lift it far enough, sooner or later the wheel will start dropping. so you can get the tire off.

    Hair color change?how can that be possible?

    I just noticed today that my hair has slowly turned brown. I held a mirror in front of my face in broad day light and was shocked to see that my hair looked so pale and brown. I had dark black healthy hair. Why is my hair color changing?

    Also shocking is that my beard (a small goatee ) has almost 30% brown hair. helpppp!!!Hair color change?how can that be possible?
    Well, when i hit puberty my blonde hair got darker blonde almost brown. and some women when they are pregnant thier hait can TOTALLY change texture. id say it was a woman thing...but women dont have beardsxD but my point was, Yes it is very possible.

    How do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?

    I am changing the shocks/struts on my 2002 Mountaineer and the coil springs are shock mounted. I don't want to buy a fancy spring compressor just to do this once, does anyone know a redneck way to compress the springs?How do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    There really is no safe alternative to compressing a coil spring with

    that much tension. A trip to the emergency room will reveal that the

    back yard shade tree method did not work. Rent the Tool is a cheap

    alternative to medical bills.How do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    Yeah,I do know a way,but I won't tell you,and if anyone else here has any common sense,they will tell you the same thing.It's not worth the risk.If you don't want to buy the proper tool to do the job,pay someone to do it.At least you'll be alive to ***** about it.How do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    There are several ways to do that, but most are very unsafe.

    Many Auto Parts stores will rent you a spring compressor for very little or no cost. That is what I would do in your shoes.

    Good luckHow do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    If you don't want to die I would recommend finding a spring compressor to borrow or rent one!How do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    Put them on a vise and then use big C-clamps to secure them in place and move them. I dunno...just a guess. You may wanna check and see if that would damage the springs to any degree. Good LuckHow do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    They rent or loan spring compressors at some rental places or shopsHow do I compress a coil spring without a spring compressor?
    listen to Jack.
  • how to break up with a girlfriend
  • dvr
  • How can I jack up my 1996 dodge 2500 truck thats 2wd?

    I got a 1996 dodge truck 2500, its 2 wheel drive and I want to jack it up 3 inches high than it is now (stock). I know with 4x4 they just put blocks on the frame, but how would you do a 2wd truck? what would they use in the front? would i have to change anything, shocks,springs...? How much do you think it would cost?How can I jack up my 1996 dodge 2500 truck thats 2wd?
    What you're talking about is called a %26quot;body lift%26quot; as opposed to a suspension lift. Makes no difference if it's 4 or 2 wheel drive. Exactly the same. No suspension mods of any kind.How can I jack up my 1996 dodge 2500 truck thats 2wd?
    Go to 4wheelparts.comHow can I jack up my 1996 dodge 2500 truck thats 2wd?
    With a hydraulic jack and some tall jack stands you can get it jacked up really high!!!!!. Hope this helps....

    How can I decrease the amount my Chevy HHR squats in the back when I load a powerchair on my external carrier.

    I installed a class 1 hitch onto my 2006 Chevy HHR (no problem), this is to allow my to load my son's power wheelchair onto a external carrier (with loading ramp). The hitch works great and is well within it's load rating. However, my vehicle %26quot;squats%26quot; about 4 inches when I load the chair. It weighs about 160 lbs total, the carrier weighs about 40 lbs.

    Should I change springs, shocks, leaf springs? Not looking to completely eliminate the squat but would like to reduce it by 75%.How can I decrease the amount my Chevy HHR squats in the back when I load a powerchair on my external carrier.
    You can actually have airbags installed in between the leafsprings and frame of the vehicle. The air bags come with a small air compressor that is installed underneath the vehicle and inflates and deflates the bags from a control unit inside the vehicle on the dash. It will probably cost about $200-$400 for an airbag kit installed. Firestone actually manufactures the bags which are very durable and will last you a very long time. This will also help to releive some of the pressure the wieght is putting on your leaf springs and rear shocks. It is the best way to go because you can control the height of the rear of your vehicle from inside of the cab of your car. The air shocks that other people talk about require you to physically hook up an airhose when you want air in the shocks and physically let the air out when you don't want the shocks so high..I would not recommend these as they are a pain for someone in your situation where you are constantly changing the rear height of the vehicle. The air shocks were developed for street and drag racing assuming people would only make adjustments during racing, not everyday driving in which the rear load would dictate at what height you want the rear to be. Again, I would stay away from the air adjustable shocks and look into installing airbags, much more efficient and adjustments are made on the fly from the comfort of the cab of the vehicle. Good luckHow can I decrease the amount my Chevy HHR squats in the back when I load a powerchair on my external carrier.
    I bet there's an air shock kit that would be perfect for your situation. Your dealer may even be able to help you out, or else go for an aftermarket supplier.How can I decrease the amount my Chevy HHR squats in the back when I load a powerchair on my external carrier.
    your best bet is go back to the 70's thing and get air shocks -they now have pc controlled levelers on them -expensine but work well-other wise do the air thing yourself

    Replacement of shocks?

    My 1999 Oldsmobile Delta-88 needs new shocks. Is it an easy job to do by yourself without a lift. I do all the regular maintanence on my car but i've only changed the shocks in a car under a lift in my auto shop class. If it is too difficult, how much would it cost to get them replaced at a shop?Replacement of shocks?
    If you have never changed shocks on a car I would suggest buying a haynes manual for the car. If you are going to change the rear shocks you will need; new shocks, tools, penetration oil(wd-40), a jack and jack stands.

    If your planning on changing the struts on the front that's a little more difficult. I would suggest taking it to a shop to replace them. It would cost about 100-200$.Replacement of shocks?
    yeah its not that hard but you do need a spring compressor to do it. if you wanna do it go to autozone or any autoparts store and buy a manuel on your book. it goes through each step. the first one is always hard but after that it gets better.Replacement of shocks?
    as long as you have a jack, and hopefully jack stands (for safety and stability) you should be able to do it, it wont be as easy at with a lift, but oh well, better than paying a mechanic to do something tat you can do yourself.Replacement of shocks?
    If you can do stuff on the lift at shop class, surely you can unbolt %26amp; replace shocks and struts. Just get or have on hand the right size wrenches and so forth. just do 1 corner at a time %26amp; possibly align the thing when you are done. if you don't have your own alignment machine take it to a shop or maybe they have one at the school. alignment is also very easy unless you are working on a previous wrecked car, then it takes a lot longerReplacement of shocks?
    for safety sake take it to a shop for the front as I believe it has Mcpherson struts but the rear should be shocks and if you jack up the rear end and support the body on stands (not the rear axle) so the axle will drop taking the presure off the axle you should be able to do it. I like having a manual for the car for references. you may need to slightly lift the rear axle to take the tension off the shock attaching nots/bolts. when I reinstall I wouls attach the top bolt on the shock and slowly jack the axle back up to align my lower mount then lower and tinghten all bolts to specs

    Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?

    I have a moderate amount of mechanical knowledge and tools. How difficult is it to change the front shocks on my 2000 GMC Sierra? I have done the job before on an older GM car. repair shop estimates one hr to do both shocks, sounds pretty simple. Can this be done relatively easily at home and any idea what the steps are?Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    You can do it in your driveway, you will need two jacks though. It is a very easy job.Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    Hey, if you only need to replace your shocks, then you can definitely do it in your driveway... IF however, you have to replace the struts, or any other suspension part at the same time... Id bring it to the mechanic. But for just swappin out some old shocks for new ones, easy. (tho it will take you more than the 1 hour estimate, haha, that is to be expected tho... try a few hours for %26quot;amateurs%26quot; like us.Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    You would do well to consult a Haynes or Chilton's repair manual to see what's involved, but it shouldn't involve more than jacking the front off the ground and removing some bolts. If you have coil springs to work around it might get a little hairy, so have a look in a repair manual. If you don't have one, local libraries are teeming with them.Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    Get your self a CHilton's manual on your truck. It'll take you step by step through the process. If you have a decent socket set, a set of wrenches and a Saturday afternoon, you can do it.Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    Yes, you should be able to do it your self.. The hardest part is braking the upper nut loose from the shaft. Most shops use a torch to cut it off, because the shaft will turn. .luck..Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    Have a mechanic do it.Front Shocks on 2000 GMC Sierra, very difficult to replace myself?
    Simple, open hood and remove upper nut and bushing collar and bushing. From under vehicle remove lower fasteners and drop shock out of lower control arm. You might have to raise vehicle slightly, using floor jack and JACK STANDS. Be careful and have fun.

    How to clarify swimming pool of pollen?

    I have saturated our pool with chlorine, shock, changing the filter daily and clarifier but the green pollen is not clearing up. What do you suggest to do?How to clarify swimming pool of pollen?
    Reduce your pH to 7.2 (or just a little lower). This will free the chlorine to do its work. Adding chlorine to water with a pH of 8 or higher is a waste of time and chemicals...the chlorine will not work. Use a simple test kit (not the OTO) to test for free-chlorine, and combined chlorine levels; pH and acid demand, then total alkalinity. Follow the directions in the test kit for adding acid (probably necessary).

    The basic-4 test kit is about 14 dollars at Home Depot. It will save you a lot of headache and money in wasted chemicals, as it takes the guesswork out of what you really need. If the water chemistry is right, and your filter is clean, your problem will go away.
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  • HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?

    Ok here is my dilema, One of the suspension air bags went out and along with it the suspension motor? anyhow he said the mtor cost $500 and the bag $300 plus labor. So he suggested that perhaps I might want to remove the suspension and replace with air shocks instead all for $600 including the labor....In all reality I dont have alot of money to work with but I want to make a good decision. Has anybody done this before switch from suspension to shocks??? and if so how big is the difference? I love the floating feeling of the Suspension but if its not that much of a difference perhaps I should change to shocks. Please help all and any comments welcome. Thank you all for your help!HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    The Lincoln air shock system is destined to fail in every make and model. You will be replacing stuff like this constantly over the years. I had the same problem, and I found that it is much cheaper to simply replace the air shocks with a conversion kit. The ride might not be quite as good, but I found it to be more than comfortable. Strutmasters makes kits designed specifically for Lincoln vehicles (and just the fact that they do so should tell you how often Lincoln air shock systems fail).! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    By the way it cost me $600 to do this conversion but I do have a buyer for my 1 good air bag so its not so bad to eep me from having future problems which were caused when I had my tires changed and they didnt know about the suspension switch of course this made a hole in the airbag.

    Report Abuse

    HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    You should consider looking into one of Strutmasters air suspension conversion kits. Here is a link to their Lincoln Navigator suspension:

    Report Abuse

    HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    Go with the springs, may ride a little rougher but no more problems.HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    i have a conntinental, i just replace air ride with struts, the ride is not as nice but i dont have to worry anymore! check out this site for costs the compresser is expensive and there are just so many things that go wrong, and they are all costly! opps! thats for my car, heres for your truck, same site though this are cheaper than the strut master site, turns out they are strutmasters, just cheaper.not not cheaply made.HELP! Air Shocks vs. Air Suspension in Lincoln Navigator?
    get regular spring off an expedition, put them on, and keep air suspension switch off

    New Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?

    Took my 2003 Rav4 (47k miles on it) to the shop to get an oil change, which I do every 3-4 months.

    This was a few days ago. I was told I needed new shocks in the back and they showed me where they were leaking. I decided to go ahead and get them.

    The day after getting them, the back of my car started to make sounds.. Then the sounds stopped. I figured they were just getting settled.

    Then I went to an apointment I go to every other thursday where I park on somewhat of an incline (not really a hill). After leaving this time, I noticed all the way home this sound in the back, like a metal sound.

    I went to the shop first thing in the morning, told them I NEVER had this sound before the shocks were put in.

    They told me they would change the shocks, I went home to wait. They called me and wanted to sell me %26quot;better shocks%26quot; for $100 more. I declined, then they called back saying %26quot;we'll put the better ones on because you are one of our best customers%26quot;.

    So, I get a call later saying the new shocks are on, but they hear a little sound in the back and it's the sway bar link. WHAT? They said its not bad and if I had the radio on, I wouldn't be able to hear the sound.

    I go to pick up my car and it sounds the EXACT same as when I left it, same sound.

    I am so mad! They are telling me a new sway bar link is $49 EACH side, which sounds high.

    How do I know now that is what I need? Why did I not have this noise before they messed with my shocks?

    I am angry because the new shocks they put in are white, and it makes my car look bad in the back. ugh! They totally stand out.New Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?
    Breath relax and enjoy the ride... %26quot;THE MECHANICAL RIDE%26quot; Whatever they have done let it be. Have them right done that it is the sway bar that is making that noise and then get a second opinion. The sway bar is not a life threatening piece, so it can wait for a second opinion. This stuff happens, fix one problem get another one. As for the white shocks, see what the manager can do after you find out about the link. GOOD LUCKNew Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?
    I would take it someplace else for a 2nd opinion.

    If the shocks were leaking, they needed replacement, so that's good. But it doesn't sound like these guys are real mechanics, and they didn't diagnose the problem correctly. Still, they didn't rip you off on the new shocks although I'm sure their price was a little high.

    Rear Stabilizer links are about $20-25 each side from Rock Auto. See if you can find a shop who will install these parts if you buy them online. Some shops will and some won't.

    Why didn't you have the noise before? Probably because both the links and the shocks were worn out. When you replaced the shocks with new, stiffer ones, it caused the worn out links to act more problematically. Just because you did not hear them before does not mean they weren't worn out. The problem is more acute now, that's all.New Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?
    i would say it,s probably the sway bar bushings instead of the whole link. probably what happened was when they put the new shocks on it made a stiffer ride and the link is rubbing on metal. just go to auto zone and pick up some bushings and see if that helps. as for the color of the shocks you could always paint them.New Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?
    If there's anything loose with the sway bar it's probably not the links, but the bushings.

    Why do you keep going back to a shop that obviously doesn't know what they're doing and will obviously keep taking your money for making things worse.

    You replace shocks when they go bad. Not because somebody shows you an oil spot. That was enough to show that those clowns were crooks.New Shocks!! Now Sway Bar link bad!! help!?
    The link's probably rattling more now because the new shocks have stiffened up the ride, and no pun intended but they're now the weak link. Price if labour is included is not bad. Take a can of black spray paint in and have them do a spray job for you. Gee chill man it's not total mayhem it can be cured easily. A nice approach gets best results, please remember that in dealing with the shop, as it sounds like they are trying to cure the problem.

    How much is an average price for a shop?

    to change your shocks and springs, considering i bring my own stuff? Or can i do it my self. I have a 2006 Scion TCHow much is an average price for a shop?
    To change shocks and springs if you bring your own supplies, depending on where you go would be about 100-150 for labor. Dont forget, if you are lowering it on NEW shocks and springs let it settle for a week before you get it aligned.How much is an average price for a shop?
    average shops cost around 80-100 an hour.. and trust me it is more then an hour to do springs and shocks.. your car is front wheel drive and has IRS (Independent Rear Suspension) so it should all have McFearson Struts (Coil Overs)

    Now you can do this yourself if you rent a spring Compressor and have a basic knowledge of tools you will be working with.. if you don't have a basica knowledge THEN DON'T DO IT! this is more work then a Cold Air Intake..

    This is my .02 CentsHow much is an average price for a shop?
    You can do it yourself, but you will need a spring compressor to do. For my tc, to have eibach springs, new shocks, and sway bars mounted it was $500. It will vary depending where you live. If you live in a colder climate, most performance shops are a little slow so maybe you can get a deal.

    How can i put my body lift and get pro comp shocks?

    I want to put a body lift on my truck and I want to change all the shocks too because one of mine are going bad right now. And I was wondering if they will work together?How can i put my body lift and get pro comp shocks?
    change coil spring
  • oil pan replacement
  • bad relationship
  • Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?

    Ok so when you graduate high school EVERYONE knows that saying goodbye can really blow.

    I have been with the same boy since my 9th grade year. We basically have grown up together seeing how he was my boyfriend all through high school.

    So we were on and off for 4 years...I'd say we dated about 2 years and 9 months ish all together and of that time, 2 years were consecutive.

    The time when we weren't together, they were just breaks because when you are young you obviously need to test the waters and see what else is out there. In high school we aren't supposed to be %26quot;married%26quot; right?

    So in the end we always ended up together and even in the time that we weren't officially dating, we were still the best of friends.

    ANYWAYS you get the point that I am totally in love and attached with this boy.

    After highschool most go to college and we move on. I am going to college but it's local and his is 2 hours away. SURE it isn't a big deal but you go from seeing someone almost every day or every other day for 4 years, this can be a bit of a shocking change.

    I am not taking this well, DONT GET ME WRONG I am so happy for him because he got a 70% ride in the college just to wrestle for them. He is incredible and I can't stand girls who try to hold their boyfriends back. I am so proud of him but in the back of my mind, I realize he will be gone for the majority of 4 years, busy with wrestling, and we obviously won't see eachother nearly as much.

    He is attending summer school so its not much as a stress when he starts wrestling and attending college. So he leaves in jul 12 and is gone for 3 weeks. Then he comes back for about 12 days then leaves for the school year. So altogether I have a little less than 3 weeks left with him.

    Questions: What can I do to make the last few weeks with him special?

    What can I say or do for him to really show that I am so committed to this?

    Any high school sweetheart or long distance relationship success stories.

    I would appreciate little negativity seeing how I am TRYING to be positive about this.

    Thank you =)Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
    I know a couple who dated across states throughout college (we're talking 2 DAYS drive). They're getting married a year from now (they just graduated from college). It's definitely possible... and really 2hrs away isn't that bad.

    That being said... it takes strong commitment on both sides to make a long distance relationship work. The distance combined with the thrill of new people and new experiences is very hard on a relationship.

    Honestly, I'd suggest that you two continue to see each other on weekends... but have an open relationship to see other people. You need to experience college life too. If you don't you'll feel like you really missed out later.Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
    I'm sorry but long distance doesn't work out.Goodbyes and beginnings. Do long distance relationships work? People can survive change right?
    Yes it does!!! If people love each other and are committed to each other it will always work out just great.